Austin Meyers
January 29th, 2008, 03:55 PM
I've got my hv20 hooked up to an IOHD via HDMI and am putting out a request for any particular settings people want me to check out.
I'm looking for the best green screen image. I'm going to test:
24p Cine+CP off and CP(all -1),
24p Tv @1/48 CP off, and CP (-1)
Here is the setup I'm using:
I've also got some earlier stuff i played with yesterday up here already (differences between HDV and IOHD):
And I'll be adding clips as I go.
Joseph H. Moore
January 29th, 2008, 04:01 PM
Interesting, Austin.
I'm also interested in the 60i performance, relative to using it to create slo-mo 24P.
Is there a reason your set-up is the way it is? The wrinkles, the lighting and how close the subject is to the screen? Are you purposely trying to create a "challenging" scenario?
Austin Meyers
January 29th, 2008, 04:15 PM challenging as possible, a key is easy to pull with anything when the lights, movements and patterns are right.
I'll shoot some 60i stuff with the same 4 presets i'm doing the 24p stuff with.
Austin Meyers
January 30th, 2008, 10:57 AM
clips are up, 4 24p, 4 60i:
Ben Syverson
January 31st, 2008, 01:58 PM
So your chain is:
Why convert to HD-SDI at all? Just capture the HDMI with an Intensity card.
Austin Meyers
February 1st, 2008, 12:27 AM
hv20->hdmi-> iohd which turns the feed into prores and feeds it via fw800 to the computer.
Graham Morton
February 2nd, 2008, 03:05 PM
austin just checked out all the links whats your general opinion now that you have had time to play with it?
Austin Meyers
February 3rd, 2008, 02:08 PM
here a run down of the clips' pro/cons and the order that i liked them:
1. tv mode with cp -1: retains more color, so the green is easier to separate than in the other modes, and gives enough shadow detail and sharpness
2. cine mode with cp off: is very similar to the above setting, but it flattened the color a bit more, the green ends up getting a bit brown, and you have to pump of the red and blue of the key color which muddies things up, detail is not as sharp as tv mode.
3. tv mode with cp off: this one keyed fine but the highlights are really hot and the black drops off really fast, which made any contour on the green screen much more evident and requires a wider chroma setting to pull it all out.
4. cine mode with cp -1: really flattened the color, to the point where the green was nearly brown, and the image lost a lot of sharpness/detail, to the point where the key has a hard time creating clean edges.
Ben Syverson
February 4th, 2008, 01:54 PM
The main thing I got out of that is further confirmation that Primatte RT is unusable. :)
Austin Meyers
May 13th, 2008, 11:11 AM
here's a music video I created using the hv20 and IOHD for all the green screen work. (other shots were with an xha1)
Check it out in HD: