View Full Version : Vegas and RAM...

Steven Bills
January 28th, 2008, 07:49 PM
I was using Vegas 7d with 1gb of RAM, and I was editing HDV just fine (ie: realtime).

I just installed some new RAM, this time 2gb (Corsair XMS), but Vegas doesn't recognize that I've upgraded it. When I go to Options>Prefs, I still only see 1024mb. Also, the video is very choppy, to the point where it is unacceptable to edit with.

Do I just need to re-install Vegas onto my system, or is there some other workaround?

Thanks in advance,


Mike Kujbida
January 28th, 2008, 08:37 PM
Beginning with version 7, Vegas decided it would tell us how much RAM we could use :-(
I've got 2 gigs myself and, like you, am limited to 1024.
As for the choppy playback, are you using the Preview/Auto mode?
Is it possible you got a bad stick of RAM?
I know there are free test utilities out there but someone who's brain is more awake than mine will have to remind me what they are.

Steven Bills
January 28th, 2008, 08:47 PM
Hmmm... I am using the Preview/Auto mode, not Full. I don't think that I've got a bad stick, because After Effects recognizes all 2gb. It's just Vegas that has the issue.

Any more thoughts?

Steven Bills
January 29th, 2008, 04:38 PM
Anyone?? What I'm thinking of doing is just sending this ram back and getting the same brand that was in it before. Good idea?

Other than that, I don't have a clue.


EDIT: Alright, after a long period of researching and updating, I've come to the conclusion that the RAM that I bought isn't compatible with the motherboard that I have. Thanks for the help, Mike.

Simon Denny
January 29th, 2008, 10:47 PM
Hi Steven,
It seems that vegas will only see 1024gig ram even if you have 2gig.
I have just checked my system and it is only seeing 1024gig ram.
Very odd?
Can anyone recomend how to get Vegas to see more?


Don Boosinger
January 30th, 2008, 03:25 AM
If you are talking about the “Dynamic Ram Preview max (MB)” setting under “Options/Preferences/Video”. I’m not an expert but I don’t think that setting is showing total system memory. This is just the setting for Preview – also note that if this setting is too high, it can have adverse affects on other processing. Perhaps looking in the help files will answer your questions.

Paul Kellett
January 30th, 2008, 05:14 AM
Yes,are we talking about dynamic ram preview because i can't find anywhere else where vegas see's ram.My pc has got 4gb ram,although computer>right click>properties only see's 3.3gb ram.
One way i got vegas to run better though,especially the preview was,go to bottom of the screen,right click>task mananger>processes>vegas>right click>priority>high.This make vegas use more processor.
Also right click afinity and make sure it's using all cores.
This can be done with any program.

Allan Black
January 30th, 2008, 06:22 AM
Is that right!! I've had preview stutters right from day 1 with VMSP 8c, Version 7 was fine.

I've chased everything down, so thanks for that Paul, try it tomorrow.

Jeff Harper
January 30th, 2008, 12:05 PM
You guys are talking about what Vegas "sees". The preview ram option has nothing to do with what Vegas uses, only what it will utilize for preview. It will not allow higher settings than it shows for your system because performance of the core program SUFFERS if set too high.

My understanding is that Vegas will take advantage of up to 2gb ram total, having nothing to do with dynamic ram available for preview.

If you are looking at the Video preview dynamic ram settings that is ALL it is about.

Prech Marton
February 1st, 2008, 02:31 AM
if you want 4GB, go to 64bit!

John Cline
February 1st, 2008, 04:17 AM
Yes, but Vegas is a 32bit program and will still use only 2gig maximum. However, with Vista64 and 4gig of RAM as opposed to XP and 2 gig of RAM, Vegas can have an entire 2gig of RAM to work with and not have to share it with the OS and other small applications that might be running. I'm running Vista64 and it works quite well.

Jeff Harper
February 1st, 2008, 04:37 AM
I have wanted to run 64 bit for quite some time, but due to threads like those below, and to the fact that Vegas is not yet a 64 bit app, and the fact running it in 64 bit environment is not supported by Sony, I would recommend anyone considering switching to think long and hard and to have a back up plan.

I'm glad you are running it successfully John!

I'd like to add to the above that while running Vegas in 64 bit environ works for some, I haven't heard anyone claim that it runs significantly better. I am envious though of the possible advantages in multitasking that might be present. For V9I'm sure there will be an exodus of people like me to 64 bit windows.

John Cline
February 1st, 2008, 05:20 AM

Let me make it clear that my Vista64 machine (a Quad-core) is set up in a dual-boot configuration with the 32bit version of WinXP. I am "playing" with Vista64 just to get up to speed on it but, on mission-critical projects, I still use Vegas in WinXP. I haven't run into any issues in Vista64 that would prevent me from using it, I just don't yet have the 100% confidence I need to use it on a client's project. I've been pounding Vista64 pretty hard trying to break it, so far, that hasn't happened.

I'm operating under the assumption that Vista64 is eventually going to be my default OS, particularly when the 64-bit version of Vegas is released.


Jeff Harper
February 1st, 2008, 05:29 AM
Thanks John, that is a heck of an idea. When I have extra $ to toss around I might try the same thing! As I've said I really have wanted to try the 64 bit thing and see for myself. And you're right of course, Vista is going to be around for awhile, like it or not, and it would not hurt at all to get familiar with it.

Do you notice improvement when multitasking with the ram advantage? I run Quad core also and am stunned at all that I can do simultaneously. I will render two projects at once and do other things on top of that and it runs well. Render time are cut in half when I do that, of course, but I like being able to start two renders and just let'm go. I ran two renders simultaneously yesterday in best+2 pass mode and it ran like a champ while I peformed other tasks on the same machine.