View Full Version : some nature clips from north spain

Fernando Ballesteros
January 28th, 2008, 07:59 AM
Hi everybody
I have just uploaded some nature videos in youtube because a client needs it and i would like very much to read some comments and critics from the uwol people (...never enough time to complete a uwol challenge....perhaps this year...).

I know quality is a problem in youtube, and i will try to put some of them in stage6 or other better video webs... but this is what i have for now

First i have a demo reel filmed with my Canon XLh1, with the original lens and a Canon 100-400. Edited in Vegas.

Next i have a little doc i had filmed and edited for the Visitors Centre of the Redes Natural Park in Asturias (Spain), some images are HDV (XLH1) and some are SD (XL1s).

And finally for the moment i have an old reel filmed with XL1s


Ron Chant
January 28th, 2008, 09:38 AM
The film/Doc for Visitors Centre of the Redes Natural Park,

I enjoyed it all, and the narrative has a nice flow.
it's a must to visit this area of Spain with some 37803 Hectares to explore,
I will have to go back a few times.

Just look at this info on this Reserve/Park . it’s got to be the European meeting place for the wildlife camera.

Mick Jenner
January 28th, 2008, 09:44 AM
Most enjoyable, you are lucky to have bears. How many hours did it take to see them?

Thanks for sharing


Annie Haycock
January 28th, 2008, 02:11 PM
These were great to watch - brought back some good memories.

There is a lot of sound distortion on the birdsong. Perhaps that is just a youtube problem, but I found it a distraction.

Fernando Ballesteros
January 29th, 2008, 03:02 AM
thanks for your comments
...brought back some good memories...
...I will have to go back...
semms like some of you know the Cantabrian Mountains in northwest Spain. Is really a good place for wildlife and nature lovers and, indeed, a good way to prove it is the survival of the brown bear, an "umbrella species" wich conservation secure the conservation of a whole welthy ecosystem. Is not impossible but difficult to see bears because of the very forested landscape. The close-ups of bears in my videos are from a big enclosure with two cantabrian female bears living inside since her mother was shoted by a poacher, but the clips with a female with cubs are completely wild.

i had detected the noise distortion and i think could be a problem of youtube compresion because the original sound is good, i will try to solve it.

Ron Chant
January 29th, 2008, 05:27 AM
Here’s a story of one of the brown Bears of Spain.