View Full Version : HV20 - Just love it, but......

Bob Warner
January 25th, 2008, 07:00 PM
Had the HV20 for about a year now. Love the quality. The only thing that bugs me is the zoom. If I need it I almost always just set it on the lowest zoom setting. Sorry, but the variable zoom on that thing is worthless to me - maybe I'm just a spaz, but I just can't control it in a predictable fashion. For most things I shoot that is not much of a problem as I just don't use the zoom much. But my son is an aspiring pro cyclist and I'm supporting the team with some shoots at races. I find zoom very useful in shooting cycling where there is a lot of rapid motion towards and away from the camera - moving in close on a cyclist (or group) and "bringing him with you" as he moves towards the camera. I'd also like to be able to ease into and out of a zoom.

I'm guessing that there are not any consumer level HD camcorders like the HV20 that will enable me to do this, right?

If not (and I understand this might be a big jump up in price) could you point me towards something you like that gives me smooth zoom control? Thanks.

Harold Schreiber
January 25th, 2008, 09:43 PM
Hi Bob,

My guess is that you'll "get it" with a bit of practice.

I do some Skating and Horse Videography, where this Zooming thing is used constantly.

You can also set up your IR Remote to operate the Cam thru a FiberOptic cable.

Check my posts for Pics of the IR Remote Mod - and the one for my new HV20.


Bob Warner
January 26th, 2008, 10:43 AM
Harold, you're a ninja right? Anyway, hats off - you've got a steadier hand than I do. I have used the variable zoom and have gotten it right at times. But too often my finger will move too fast for a tenth of a mm and there goes the shot.
I've used the remote with the fiber optic cable and it works great - but it zooms at a fixed rate, not variable, unless I'm missing something --?? Bob

Harold Schreiber
January 26th, 2008, 12:21 PM
Hi Bob,

I'm also ambidextrous, as I can use either hand to guide the Cam or to use IR/Wired Remote units.

You're correct that the IR Remote only goes at one Zoom speed.

I have faith that you can master that tiny Zoom controler with a bit of practice. Just got to get the finger position right and then get the feel for the motion necessary to get the Zoom speed change. Tedious, but achievable.
