View Full Version : First time trailer , use DIY stabilizer and raynox

Agatha Graselia
January 24th, 2008, 01:41 PM
I'm a novice here.
This is my first time submit my video

I use DIY stabilizer (monopod adding bottom weight - sledge) and raynox.
I just upload to youtube to share with this forum
The couple from Singapore and having engagement in Jakarta.
If you see smooth move, it come from real JimnyJib Dutch-roll, D50 Sony.
while outdoor session I use my DIY stick to help stabilize my handycam.
Critics are welcome

My question :
How to make good compression from .avi to Youtube ??
What will be the user friendly color correction (I use PP2)

Thanks, especially to all you in this forum..


Agatha Graselia
January 25th, 2008, 11:55 AM
Uh...oh.... no reply yet... :((
I really expect a critics here. :)

OK, I join this video company and acting as junior assistant to the editor.
The first contribution from me is to ask them to improve the outdoor session by using simple trick to add some footage from my handicam & DIY stabilizer.
I combine the shoot with footage from jimny jib.

I should say that this trick I got mainly from this forum, so I'm eager to share the first result to this forum. I have many heroes here....

Again, thanks to moderator, and to all of you who always raising the bar of wedding cinema quality.


Jason Bowers
January 25th, 2008, 12:14 PM
Hi Agatha,
When I opened the link the video was so large it was almost unviewable. I couldn't get through the whole video but what I did see I couldn't make out any sharpness in any detail and it was extremely blurry. this is probably because of the codec used and you tube. If you find another way for me to view it I would give it another go.

Terry Esslinger
January 25th, 2008, 12:54 PM
I had no problem opening the video but it was not very sharp. As Jason said, probably due to YouTube re-encoding it. Your DIY stabilizer seems to work fairly well. For the price its great.