View Full Version : Vegas and Sound Forge

Stuart Campbell
January 22nd, 2008, 03:08 PM
Anyone out there use Sound Forge 9 or Acid Pro 6 along side Vegas 7 and 8?

I'm considering Audio applications at the moment and like the way these 2 have the same interface as Vegas. Was just wondering if they work well together. I need it for audio track creation (soundtrack composition work, and creative manipulation of location sound recordings and VO work). Any advice on which one to go for would be a help! I edit using Vegas 7.0e and will install my 8. disk as soon as I'm confident the bugs have gone!


Mike Kujbida
January 22nd, 2008, 03:13 PM
If you want to do more than the basic audio FX in Vegas, all you do is right-click the audio clip and select either "Open in Sound Forge" or "Open Copy in Sound Forge".
Do your processing, save it and, depending on which option you chose, it'l lbe updated in Vegas with the new version or added as a "take" (allows you to cycle between the original and new versions).
In other words, yes, they play quite nicely together :-)

Aaron Courtney
January 22nd, 2008, 03:48 PM
Anyone out there use Sound Forge 9 or Acid Pro 6 along side Vegas 7 and 8?

I'm considering Audio applications at the moment and like the way these 2 have the same interface as Vegas.

Or, you could say Vegas has the same interface as SF :) After all, Vegas was built around the SF interface. Like Mike, I have both Vegas and SF (v8) installed and they integrate very nicely. I've actually been using SF for ~ 12 years and can say that the interface has remained the same throughout the product's many development cycles, which is key for minimizing the learning curve after future product revisions.

Stuart Campbell
January 23rd, 2008, 03:29 AM
That's great guys thank you. Any thoughts on Acid pro?

Interesting to learn that Soundforge was the foundation for the Vegas interface!

Rick Johnson
January 27th, 2008, 12:20 PM
I have a new computer running Vista and Vegas Pro 8 is working just fine, but I have been hesitant to try and install Sound Forge 7 on it.

Has anyone here installed Sound Forge 7 on a Vista Machine? Does it work?