View Full Version : 1920x1080 Screen Size
Harold Brown January 21st, 2008, 10:43 PM When I set my Gateway 24" monitor to 1920x1080 I have to scroll the desktop left and right to see every thing. What am I doing wrong? I am currently running 1680 x1050 so I don't have to scroll. My video cards is a FX 5700LE. Drivers are current.
Chris Soucy January 21st, 2008, 11:42 PM You'll find, buried in a menu somewhere (on the screen itself), a tick box labeled "fit to screen" or "fill" or something similar.
Setting it "on" should fix your problem.
Jeff Harper January 21st, 2008, 11:46 PM If you find your card definately supports your monitor, uninstall your drivers via control panel/add-remove programs then reboot and re-install your drivers and see what happens.
I would go the manufacturers website and go to their support page and look around for a solution. If your card is a Jaton FX5700 they are buggy for some folks. Good luck.
Jeff Harper January 21st, 2008, 11:49 PM Good thing you came along Chris... You likely saved him a lot of trouble (if he had listened to me).
Chris Soucy January 22nd, 2008, 01:05 AM Intrigued by the "Nuke the Bastard" approach to problem solving, but hey, I have those sorts of days as well!
Jeff Harper January 22nd, 2008, 01:15 AM Well, that approach was dicatated by my own experience with a 24" monitor that has no such settings as you described. I have missed the totally obvious on many occasions. Particulary when I'm 22 hours straight on my workstation as I have been this morning, lots of things start to happen, up to and including jumping in to advise someone about a piece of hardware I know nothing about!
Chris Soucy January 22nd, 2008, 03:00 AM that's a stretch, and no mistake.
Think you better give some thought to doing something about DVT's if you're pulling those sorts of shifts (Deep Vein Thrombosis, got one doing just the same sort of stint on an edit).
And yep, they can really mess with your head (the shift length, not the DVT, not that my head really needs much messing with, it's pretty weird all on it's own).
Harold Brown January 22nd, 2008, 10:48 PM I don't have any check boxes to work with and I cannot find anything in the Nvidia drivers. Loaded latest and greatest and still I have the scroll problem. Have to keep working on it. I think it is related to drivers and the age of the video card but I am not sure.
Jeff Harper January 23rd, 2008, 03:54 AM Yes Chris, my feet get swollen for sure!
Harold Chris might have been referring to a menu item on the monitor instead of within the nView Desktop monitor. Did you look there?
Have you been to Gateway support?
Chris Soucy January 23rd, 2008, 05:19 AM Read my lips:
The Menu you want is on your Monitor! (repeat after me!) "Monitor".
Now, find the button that steps through the menu (on the monitor!).
Jeff Harper January 23rd, 2008, 05:21 AM Breathe in, breathe out...breathe in, breathe out.
Chris Soucy January 23rd, 2008, 05:53 AM Thanks.
Chris Hurd January 23rd, 2008, 07:44 AM Are the Kiwis enjoying a pleasant summer? It's chilly in Texas right now.
Harold Brown January 23rd, 2008, 02:36 PM The menu button calls up all sorts of settings but nothing to fix the resolution problem. I went through those buttons before I posted my question. Every single one of them multiple times and there is no feature/no button/nothing I can do from the Gateway FHD2400 monitor. I did several searches on the web and still came up blank. The monitor is using the DVI connection. There may be options available to do a sizing using a different input (VGA for example) or with a different model of monitor. The EZTune software didn't have anything to solve this problem either.
Jeff Harper January 23rd, 2008, 03:25 PM Harold, we love to help, but have you been to Gateway support? have you contacted your card manufacturer?
Harold Brown January 23rd, 2008, 05:25 PM Jeff,
I agreed with your input that it is probably related to drivers and the age of the video card but that I was not sure. When I made that statement I was satisfied that I probably wouldn't find a quick answer but then felt completed to respond to the "lip" thing.
Since I will be buying a new computer in March I can live with what I have. I was just looking for anyone who might have lived through this that could provide some insight.
Chris Soucy January 24th, 2008, 12:05 AM I've just checked the Gateway site but can't see their support info without a serial number (and of course, what's printed as a product description is not exactly usefull for the purposes of solving this problem).
I suggest you give this route a try, there has to be a solution to this somehow, and I don't really think buying a new computer is necessarily it.
Sorry if I was a bit snippy yesterday, spending half the day trawling the Apple FCP chat forum investigating another bods problems here on DVinfo sort of fried my brain cells (such a depressing place to be).
James Harring January 24th, 2008, 07:36 PM Hey bud, it sounds like your monitor (not video card) is not set to 1920x1080
This is most easily accomplished by getting in INF file from the disk that came with the monitor. The inf file tells the pc what the max res of the monitor is.
Look on GW website for this file or on the cdrom that came w/ the monitor. They also seem to have a utility that does this for you, ez sync?
--In Windows Display, advanced, go to the video adapter setting and ensure it is at 1920-x1080. THEN go to the monitor and pick the gateway monitor you own.
Harold Brown January 24th, 2008, 07:40 PM Chris,
I have to disconnect the DVI cable and get a magnifying glass to read the serial number. My readers are not strong enough on their own. So I will do that this weekend and see if Gateway can tell me anything other than what is in their manual (auto size only works with VGA is stated in the manual).