View Full Version : Vegas help!

Joe Bowey
January 20th, 2008, 04:25 PM
I need a little help. First I edited a project thats 35 min and came out great but I need to add anothe title at the end so would I have to re-render the whole timeline again?
Also When I go to dvd program why does it render again before I burn a disk? If I already rendered in vegas should the dvd portion render faster?

Andy Wilkinson
January 20th, 2008, 04:41 PM
OK, I don't know which version of Vegas you have but I have some limited experience with 7e.

If you add something (like a title or extra scene) at the end of your Vegas project then yes, at least in 7, I think you have to render it all again. I have a feeling that the new Vegas 8 will not re-render stuff that is already in the desired format - but I might be wrong on that.

Regarding DVD Architect. No it should not have to re-render before burning as, assuming you rendered it beforehand (in Vegas) in a DVDA compatible format (see the drop-down list in render options in Vegas) then it should be fine. All it does is prepare the file for burning and it might have to convert the audio to AC3 or whatever - a quick thing normally... but of course that depends on what your project settings were done as originally.

Without more info I can't really offer more help but hope this makes sense!

Joe Bowey
January 20th, 2008, 08:10 PM
I have version 7. So if I rendered the video in vegas then went to dvda to make a dvd with theme and background music I don't have to render it again?

Jason Boyette
January 20th, 2008, 09:31 PM
Yes you will have to re-render the project.
DVDA rerenders any video file that is not mpeg-2
If you initially render your video to mpeg-2 then it will render faster in dvda

*I might be wrong but i heard this a long time ago

I try not to use dvda if I don't have to...not a fan of the program. Love vegas dislike dvda.

I make the videos in Vegas then burn them on my Mac!

Mike Kujbida
January 20th, 2008, 09:51 PM
As long as you render a DVD-compliant MPEG-1 or 2 file and a PCM (WAV) or AC-3 file that meets specs, there won't be any additional rendering in DVD Architect.
If you're still puzzled about the proper steps, I recommend reading Vol. 1 Issue 7 ( of Edward Troxel's newsletters as it deals with this issue.