Michel Barbuto
January 19th, 2008, 04:36 PM
Hello every one.
Just a "stupid" question : is the 6X HD Wide angle od th XL H1 can be use on the XL2 insteed of the short 3X wide angle ( and eventually with the manual iris control ) ?
Ryan Mueller
January 19th, 2008, 11:25 PM
Hey Michel,
I remember reading about this on this site before. From what I remember, yes you can use the H1 lenses on the XL2 with possibly a little sharper image as a result (according to Canon). No, you will not be able to use the iris ring when the lens is on the XL2, the normal method of iris control will still be used (the iris control on the camera body). The iris ring is not functional when on the XL2.
Michel Barbuto
January 20th, 2008, 03:46 AM
Thank you for this quick answer.
So the H1 wide angle could be an interressing alternative for my 3X WA having back focus problems..
Great news. Now i've to save for it :)
Richard Alvarez
January 20th, 2008, 05:37 AM
Or send your 3x back to Canon for back focus adjustment... probably cheaper.
Michel Barbuto
January 20th, 2008, 06:27 AM
Sure, but i always find it a little bit short.
Otherwise, the 28 mm photo equivalent are very appréciable.
I never understood why the excellent 20X don't begin at 3.4 mm insteed of 5.4 mm.
For the long focal, i use a 300 mm Canon with the EF-XL adaptator. And that's great.
For the standard 3X WA, a have two other problem with (witch make me change ) :
a soft blur on the last 1/3 right part of the image,
and a blind part ( just about 10 pixels on the right ).
I don't know if it only the case with my WA, and i hope to not meet thss problems with the 6X HD WA.
Richard Alvarez
January 20th, 2008, 09:24 AM
Sounds like an issue with your particular lens. There is a thread here on the board, which discusses the fact that the older 3x lenses did have some issues with brand new XL2s when they first came out.
I bought my 3x used on Ebay after I got my XL2. I was worried about the back focus issues that others had expressed. It, came, I looked, It was fine. No problems, sharp all the way through the zoom. I consider it an essential lens for run and gun doc work. My 'long' lens is the 16x manual, I don't like the 20x.
I have put the 3x on my partners XLh-1, and we concluded that overall, it was unacceptable. Soft at either end, and a bit of CA at the long end. If/When I buy my XLh-1, I will get the 6x for it.