View Full Version : Premiere Pro 2.0, Matrox RT.X2 and video monitor question

Sulev Sepp
January 17th, 2008, 11:16 AM
Hi All,

Please help in setting up video monitor on Premiere Pro 2.0 with Matrox RT.X2.
I have system installed with breakout box and one 24 inch monitor attached to separate Quadro FX4500 display card. Now I need to connect Samsung 32" LCD TV ( HD ready) for monitoring video output. How can I connect this LCD TV to breakout box ( which has component output) or to Matrox RT.X2 card which has also DVI port. I need to monitor how my video will look on real TV screen not as on computer monitor. Please advice?


Mike McCarthy
January 17th, 2008, 02:26 PM
Unless you TV supports 1080p via HDMI, which may be able to use the DVI out, you should just use regular component HD to connect it.

Themis Gyparis
January 20th, 2008, 03:48 PM
I need to connect Samsung 32" LCD TV ( HD ready) for monitoring video output. How can I connect this LCD TV to breakout box ( which has component output) or to Matrox RT.X2 card which has also DVI port. I need to monitor how my video will look on real TV screen not as on computer monitor. Please advice?

You mentioned what the output is but not what your input is... Tell me what your outputs are and I'll let you know what you can do...

Damon Gaskin
January 21st, 2008, 06:40 PM
Yes, either the DVI if your LCD has a DVI input, use the dvi on the back of the card, or use the component out on the break out box to be back of the LCD. Its actually quite simple to be honest. But your LCD TV will determine which way is the best to connect it. The DVI is going to be probably your best bet depending on what you will be editing(if HDV then definately DVI if you have it on the TV).

You simply if going to use component, connect the red,green and blue on the output of the BOB along with audio out to the tele if you wish..

Sulev Sepp
January 25th, 2008, 08:00 AM
Thank You all for feedback!
I connected my LCD TV via DVI-HDMI cable ( from RT.X2 DVI output to LCD TV HDMI port). No signal on LCD TV. What settings I should use in Premiere Pro 2.0 to get picture on LCD TV ? I have installed Matrox Tools in computer and I see Matrox capture and Effects in Premiere 2.0. I have not in Playback settings nothing about Matrox Card or other playback possibilities.
I tried also via breakout box component out to LCD TV component. There is not signal either.


Mike McCarthy
January 25th, 2008, 12:06 PM
The DVI from the RTx2 may not work into a standard HD TV, because I believe the resolution for that port is hard set to 1920x1200 instead of 1920x1080. It is designed to be connected to a computer monitor, which all run 16x10 with the extra 120 vertical pixels.

Damon Gaskin
January 25th, 2008, 12:34 PM
If you have connected out to component, you have to set it in the playback settings. You have sto specify the component or dvi output. You go to Project, Project settings, General, Playback Settings, video output. Once your there, you would select the master output format. For me, since I use 1080 projects, I either select the NTSC or 1080i@29.97. The 1080 is for the dvi and the NTSC is for the breakout box. The next thing you need to setup if your going to use component, svid or composite is the Analog Output Type. You would then select component if you want component.

I haven't connected via the dvi in a long time, but if I remember correctly, once you select the 1080i in the Master Output, that will automatically switch on your DVI. And for my little LCD's since they are analog, I connected to a DVI to VGA adapter and once I switched it, it put the video output on the LCD.

Hopefully this helps, but you need to use your manual as your setup may be a bit different..