Craig Terott
January 16th, 2008, 07:37 AM
Anyone able to provide a short 10-15 second clip? Content doesn't matter. I would like to test workflow with FCP.
View Full Version : Raw AVCHD Clip to test workflow? Craig Terott January 16th, 2008, 07:37 AM Anyone able to provide a short 10-15 second clip? Content doesn't matter. I would like to test workflow with FCP. Steve Maller January 17th, 2008, 08:35 PM FCP doesn't really deal with "raw" AVCHD files. The preferred method of ingesting AVCHD depends on the camera's file structure to a certain degree. The "raw" m2t files are converted (preferably to ProRes) at the time they're read in from the camera. It's rather convoluted at best. I have an HG10 and while I'm happy with it, it's not for the faint of heart. Especially if you want to shoot in 24P. The 24P workflow I'm using in FCS results in TWO files, each of which is roughly 10x the size of the AVCHD clip. The first of those files can be deleted after it's converted to the second. 1) ingest a clip into FCP 2) FCP converts it on the fly to ProRes (resulting in a file about 10x the size) 3) use Compressor to reverse Telecine it into 23.976fps (resulting in another file about 10x the size) 4) delete the first file and import the second into FCP 5) edit Ron Transco June 1st, 2008, 10:15 PM FCP doesn't really deal with "raw" AVCHD files. The preferred method of ingesting AVCHD depends on the camera's file structure to a certain degree. The "raw" m2t files are converted (preferably to ProRes) at the time they're read in from the camera. I found two samples of raw AVCHD video: 'snow.mts' and 'ezhqp1.m2t2' (also tried renameing this to ezhqp1.m2t'). I tried bring these in to FCP using 'log and transfer'. FCP reported both as 'unsupported media'. I have a Canon HF-10 on order and plan to transfer files directly from the SDHC card (in a card reader) to FCP. Am I missing something here? Dave Pearce June 3rd, 2008, 01:52 AM Ron. I can send you some clips from my HF10 if you want any. Just PM me an email address and ill send it via yousendit. I dont think FCP handles these files though. Dave. Ron Transco June 3rd, 2008, 08:19 AM Dave - I found that my two test clips play back perfectly as-is in my Tvix 6500 (i.e. the files are good), however neither will work with FCP. My HF10 will be here tomorrow. Hopefully that will work, if not, I've got a serious problem since I specifically purchased the HF10 to be used with FCP. David Sayed June 3rd, 2008, 10:56 AM Ron - I've found that FCP requires the AVCHD directory structure (probably one or more of the index files) rather than just the streams, whereas Sony Vegas Pro is happy to just deal with the MTS stream files. So, my workflow with FCP is to dump the *entire* directory structure and contents of my HG10's hard drive to a new folder (which I tend to call "Tape 1", etc.) Then I use the "Log and Transfer" function in FCP to ingest and FCP converts to ProRes. Ron Transco June 3rd, 2008, 11:29 AM Ahhh, there's hope after all. My plan with the HF-10 is to transfer the contents of the internal memory to a removable flash card, then stick that in a card reader for FCP. Hopefully that will carry all the required information with it. If not, the HF-100 would have been a better choice. I'll let you know tomorrow how it works out. Stephen Eastwood June 3rd, 2008, 11:33 AM Anyone able to provide a short 10-15 second clip? Content doesn't matter. I would like to test workflow with FCP. the first one is up already the second is uploading may take about 20 minutes from this post. They are from a canon HF100, if you want something specific let me know or is you prefer a hg10 file or even hxa1 or hv20 I can shoot any tomorrow. Also I asked before if anyone wanted some comparisons I can do that, although it may take an extra day to get to run and shoot a multicam shoot. I do have a dual tripod mount to use however, to get a relatively close approximation, sort of. Steve Mullen June 4th, 2008, 12:02 AM Ron - I've found that FCP requires the AVCHD directory structure (probably one or more of the index files) rather than just the streams, whereas Sony Vegas Pro is happy to just deal with the MTS stream files. So, my workflow with FCP is to dump the *entire* directory structure and contents of my HG10's hard drive to a new folder (which I tend to call "Tape 1", etc.) Then I use the "Log and Transfer" function in FCP to ingest and FCP converts to ProRes. Can you post the structure that FCP expects to find around the .MTS file? Ron Transco June 4th, 2008, 07:41 PM the first one is up already the second is uploading may take about 20 minutes from this post. They are from a canon HF100, if you want something specific let me know or is you prefer a hg10 file or even hxa1 or hv20 I can shoot any tomorrow. Also I asked before if anyone wanted some comparisons I can do that, although it may take an extra day to get to run and shoot a multicam shoot. I do have a dual tripod mount to use however, to get a relatively close approximation, sort of. Stephen - I looked at some of your HD footage and it was great. My HF-10 arrived today. I shot a few minutes of video, saving it to the removeable memory card. Popped the card in the Mac's card reader, started FCP, selected 'log and transfer' and away she went. I was amazed to see that FCP does all the heavy lifting for you. I took a look at your website. Fantastic! I could live to be a 1000 and never take shots like those. Not only superb technically, your poses (staging) were (was) some of the most innovative I've seen. One in particular has become permanently etched into my brain. Stephen Eastwood June 4th, 2008, 10:37 PM Thank you Ron Its always nice to hear people like what one does, even when I am sick of it all. |