View Full Version : Archiving EX1 revisited

Charles Young
January 15th, 2008, 11:07 PM
Tomorrow I wll get my EX1.

I plan on using my G45 laptop to plug in the SXS cards and copy the files to HD-DVD for archive. In the near future I will build a PCMCIA 1.5Gb SATA Blu-ray burner. I can put the files to the laptop hard drive at 60MB/sec, wish I could make a RAID-0 from the two 320GB hard drives. Another option is the PCMCIA Firewire 800 to the .5T Lacie drive(I think Lacie has 1Tdrives now for around 300 bucks, and SATA too), if only the Firewire 800 would get above 10MB/sec rate(damn Vista M$).

For now I have these problems:

1. Firewire 800 not supported on Vista

2. RAID-0 for G45 is dream

3. Blu-ray support

Dean Sensui
January 16th, 2008, 05:00 AM
For my own archives here I use paired SATA drives in a RAID 1 configuration.

Data is written to two drives simultaneously which protects against one drive going bad and taking all the data with it. The drives are mounted on sleds and are used in conjunction with a hot-swap SATA system from Firmtek.

There are Firewire drive enclosures that provide similar sled-mounted solutions, which would work with your laptop-based system.

What makes sled-mounted drives attractive is that it costs very little to expand them. The Firmtek sleds are $22. And that's all you need in addition to a bare drive to increase your system's capacity or add to the library.