Craig Hollenback
January 14th, 2008, 11:40 AM
I have been following the progress of the EX1 since its' announcement and am very serious about purchasing it because of it's half inch sensors. I currently own a Z1U and am concerned that purchasing the new Z7U will not be an ugrade picture wise from the my Z but rather a clever alternative in capture to the memory cards as well as tape, the interchangable lens feature aside.
The EX1 however does pose a problem for long form capture and this concerns me. Is there an alternate method to capture beside the memory cards for the EX1, ie: firestore etc.? If so that would make the EX1 purchase a slam dunk for me. Any feedback will be much appreciated.
Best, Craig
Jon Carlson
January 14th, 2008, 12:02 PM
Something like a Firestore would only give you HDV quality. A better option would be look for something that can record from the HD-SDI output of the camera. This would give you uncompressed HD video in a 4:2:2 color space. It'd require a LOT of storage.
However, the EX1's capability of seamlessly switching from Slot A to Slot B and back again, providing ample time to dump the contents of the card onto a laptop, is a viable workflow. It's worked fine for me so far... the longest I've recorded is just over 5 hours, using an 8 GB and 16 GB card, dumping to my laptop via an Express/34 port.
Paul Cronin
January 14th, 2008, 12:04 PM
Why would you want a hard drive recorder when you can use the S&S cards and get HQ?
Nice site looks like you are just getting started. I will be shooting in the keys for 3 weeks prior to moving into FL for other jobs. I shoot with the EX1 let me know if you could use some help?
Craig Hollenback
January 14th, 2008, 03:33 PM
I am a little concerned about the price for the cards as I am streching for the camera. I've just ordered the newest MacPro, a 24" iMac with 2 adobe suites a quad PC and 4 22'monitors for the studio. I believ the cost of the cards will drop when sandisk begins shipping their product....any word on proposed card costs will be?
Thanks, Craig
Jon Carlson
January 14th, 2008, 03:39 PM
I've read $723 for a 16GB card (
Once Sony/SanDisk's exclusivity rights expire in about a year, the prices should drop even lower.
Paul Cronin
January 14th, 2008, 04:28 PM
Craig switching cards while shooting is easy and the download is quick. I am sure in the next few months the cards will only get cheaper. And when 32GB cards comes out that would be 200 minutes of HQ ready to go in the camera with two cards.
Good luck the Keys needs a site like yours.
Craig Hollenback
January 14th, 2008, 07:33 PM
Thanks for the compliment Paul...we are going to give it our best shot...we are self funding I feel confident that with the purchase of the EX along with the new MacPro they will elevate our production quality to also be more competitive for our mainland corporate work. We do BioPharm work in south FL. Additionally, the EX should work well on our Glidecam X-10...another nice feature. It should also be much better for keying work for the web videos.
Best, Craig