View Full Version : Wanted: Full Wedding Video DVDs examples

David Calef
January 12th, 2008, 08:44 PM
I have been in videography since 1960 when I started in high school, onto to college and Boston PBS, other broadcast television and video production. Now in semi-retirement, I continue with my love of videography in my own Event Video business.

I am stepping my toe into Wedding videography. I have joined WEVA and order training DVDs. I have just order more DVDs from

What I seriously want is not wedding clips that I can find tons of. I would like to acquire several finished client Wedding DVDs so I can watch the whole package as various people put them together. I am willing to pay for them. I learn a lot by having my "eyes" teach me from full productions, as I am sure a lot of you do. Seeing a clip doesn't do it. You can't put together any show if you have never seen a full example, several, in my opinion.

So, anyone want to share their work product with a guy from New England? Just tell me how much. And I thank you.


Jason Bowers
January 12th, 2008, 10:21 PM
Glenn Elliott sells a training dvd which is a full wedding with audio and subtitles. You can find them on his website pretty good stuff.