View Full Version : "Venetian Blind Effects"

Mike Cassidy
June 24th, 2003, 04:50 PM
I think the answer is, “there’s nothing you can do” but it’s worth a try. I’m using Mini DV tape, Panasonic, used twice before, on Canon XL1S camera. I’ve just recorded on my Canon XM1 and on playback the picture has a “venetian blind” effect, i.e. stripes of previous recording and the new one. All heads recently cleaned. It lasts for about 3 minutes, then comes good. I’ve tried playback via the XL1S as well, same result. Before I “write off” the first 3 minutes is there any hope? I should add it’s one of those 83-minute tapes. I think LP on the 60 minute would have been the safer option! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Joe Sacher
June 25th, 2003, 09:56 AM
This depends how important the footage is. If you capture to a computer and get decent video (i.e. no pixelation issues, etc.), just lines from two video recordings. You could mask out the old lines and use surrounding frames to try and rebuild the video. This will be a good bit of work, so how important is the video?

Andre De Clercq
June 25th, 2003, 10:04 AM
If the number of stripes is 5 to 6 per picture hight. one of the two heads are not outputting a signal. Heads or preamps will be defective (if you are shure they are not clogged).

Mike Cassidy
June 25th, 2003, 05:47 PM
Thanks for your help lads, i suppose it's a "write off". It's funny how i've only ever had tape trouble when using a brand new,or fairly new tape. Well used ones seem to be no problem. I was wondering if there was a problem with the 83 minute tapes, but it was fine on the 2 previous times i used it. Still it's only a couple minutes, at the beggining, could have been a lot worse!
When the new recording, and previous one are doing the "venetian blind" effect, i have the 2 sound tracks playing together, so i can't do anything with that either.
I don't use a P.C. to edit, i have Casablanca machines. Thanks again, i appreciate your time spent, trying to help me.
Cheers, Michael.

Don Palomaki
June 26th, 2003, 04:29 AM
Conventional wisdom is that the first and last couple minuts of a tape are most likley to have problems. Some foks FF and REW a tape to "shake out" any junk that might be in the tape and to make sure it is free of internal binding that sould cause a problem while recording. Others will pre-black a tape whihc will hae a similar effect. I always waste the fist minute or so of a tape shooting nothing I plan to use in the final edit.