View Full Version : HD-SDI Does someone anyone have any answers?

Teodor Miljevic
January 11th, 2008, 08:04 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm having a lot of trouble finding any conclusive information regarding the HD-SDI signal comming from the EX1.

This is what I have gathered so far:
It seems that the signal is real 10bit uncompressed but.....

the trouble is that everyone that has tried to capture the signal are underwhelmed. I've not read one positive feedback in any forum about capturing hd-sdi from ex1

One guy at another forum says the captured material looked worse than the 35mb captured on sxs card.

Then there was someone on this forum that tried and got a very soft picture. They said it could be that they had turned detail off. If you recognize this situation (what did actually happen)? did you manage to fix it later or what? Did you try turning detail on? did it fix the soft picture?

Could it be so that the other guy also did that(turned detail off) or can this be a firmwareproblem or bug that makes all material coming from hd-sdi soft?

Please if anyone has managed to succesfully capture(meaning that the captured material is at least better than the material coming from the card). If someone has done that please do comment on what you think about the picture how does it compare to other uncompressed material from say canon xl-h1 or even the f355 or f900?

Also if you needed to do some workaround or special trick to get it to work please do share:)

Bill Ravens
January 11th, 2008, 08:37 AM
so much depends on the hardware stream that was used for capture that it's hard to know why the images look soft. I've experienced a similar situation with component capture from a JVC HD110.

what hd-sdi injest harware was used?
was 10 bit 4:2:2 fed from the injest hardware to the monitor?
was it a live signal or was it being played back from a (compressed) file on the SxS card?
what type of monitor was used to view the image?

Greg Boston
January 11th, 2008, 08:55 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm having a lot of trouble finding any conclusive information regarding the HD-SDI signal comming from the EX1.

This is what I have gathered so far:
It seems that the signal is real 10bit uncompressed but.....

It's only in that pristine condition if taken directly from the live camera head image. After recording to the cards (or disc in the full size), the compression has already occurred.

I've had the opportunity to see my F350's direct HDSDI output fed to a giant HD screen on the side of a building and it was awesome.


Steven Thomas
January 11th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Well, I don't have a capture card, but I do have an SDI to HDMI (or DVI) adapter, BM HDLINK.

The image looks sharp on my 1920x1080 monitor using this adapter. So, I can't imagine why it would be any different captured. It's all digital at this point.

I'm waiting on Cineform's upcoming portable recorders (probably a year out), but might just run out and buy a BM Intenisity card.

Vince Gaffney
January 11th, 2008, 10:16 AM
I plugged the camera into the HDSDI input of my Kona LHe. It was spectacular in the capture window of FCP set for uncompressed 4:2:2 10bit.