View Full Version : Little rubber bit.

Ed Smith
June 24th, 2003, 12:50 PM
For the life of me I can't remember and can not find the thread about the little rubber bit that goes between the camera body and the Viewfinder!!!

If anybody can point me in the right direction that would be wonderful.

Otherwise if somebody could tell me where abouts I place it that would also help.

I have had the camera for well over a year now, and I am getting fed up with the viewfinder becoming loose while i'm in the middle of a shoot.

Thanks in advanced,


Arnaldo Paixao
June 25th, 2003, 03:46 AM
Hi Ed.

Just to be shure of what you are looking for, I remember two posts that can fit your question:

One that mentions a small washer that you can put in the screw so it does not become loose.

The other, is the System Isolator and you can look here:

Also, if you can, buy the Mini Mount from the same manufacturer (Light Wave Systems), it realy isolates the microphone from the camera mechanical noises.

Arnaldo Paixao

Ed Smith
June 25th, 2003, 04:48 AM
Hi Arnaldo,

The light wave isolator looks interesting, although for the moment I want to see whether the "Rubber" will do what I want.

The rubber bit I talk of is like a washer and some how fits between the screw and the viewfinder. This bit of rubber came with the XL1.


Ed Smith

Ed Smith
June 25th, 2003, 04:54 AM
Please forgive my stupidity.

I now see (I think) where it is placed.
It looks like it goes between the "NUT" you tighten and the bit of metal that sticks out and holds the viewfinder mounting.

Has anyone got a diagram they could e-mail me of how it should look?



Arnaldo Paixao
June 25th, 2003, 04:57 AM
Hi Ed.

If you ever want to buy the light wave isolator and cannot get it in England, go here:

Bought my stuff from them and they were very professional.


John Locke
June 25th, 2003, 06:13 AM

If you're talking about using a rubber washer to help keep the viewfinder assembly from becoming loose and sliding back and forth, any rubber washer will do the trick. I've got one on my XL1 now and it's done the trick.

Ed Smith
June 26th, 2003, 11:42 AM
I've got the washer which originally came with the camera. All I was wondering was where abouts I place it. This does not seem to be mentioned in the manual any where.

All the best,


Dan Holly
June 26th, 2003, 05:27 PM
Go to a store that has large "O rings".
Find a size that fits over the threads, and more loose viewfinder(s).

I use one on mine, but I never got the size since I custom fitted it in the many people have asked this question, that now I'm sorry I didn't record the size of the O ring for future reference.

Hardware stores, and also speciality stores that sell compression type pipe fittings (swagelock, parker, etc.) usually sell the item you are looking for.

I picked up mine at the local Parker fitting store which is right around the corner from where I work.

Nori Wentworth
June 26th, 2003, 05:32 PM
I just use a washer from a garden hose. It's bright green... I never lose it.


Josh Bass
June 26th, 2003, 08:17 PM
Careful if you take the viewfinder assembly apart (the part attached to the camera, not the part attached to the viewfinder). I don't know how, but somehow I snapped these two thin metal rods that help hold it all together.