View Full Version : A funny EX1 issue...

David Schmerin
January 10th, 2008, 07:33 PM
Today I took my EX1 out with a tripod and filmed myself under a stop sign. I had the LCD open and facing forward so I could see myself. Oh the vanity of it all...

Anyway I don't usually spend any time in front of the camera so the LCD is almost never turned for subject viewing.

The funny part is this...

After setting the shot, I flipped the LCD monitor forward to make sure I was in frame. The camera flipped the image in the LCD so I was right side up but darned if everything wasn't backwards... My STOP sign read a backwards POTS with backwards letters which I can not type. Ok, truth be told maybe it was just the P and S that were backwards. So hard to tell with those pesky T and O's with their smug looking the same forwards and back look at me and guess attitude.

Has anyone else seen this? Is this just a setting I am overlooking. Clearly this is not an issue that will affect shooting ever, I just really think this tiny oversight, mine or Sony's is pretty darn funny.

David Schmerin

My sample EX1 footage can be downloaded from

Steven Thomas
January 10th, 2008, 08:04 PM
Now only if it would of flipped upside down, instead of side-to-side!
Would of been great for most 35mm adapters. LOL

All joking aside... what the...

David Lorente
January 10th, 2008, 09:20 PM
I have the same on my old Digital8 domestic camera: when the LCD screen is turned forward, you have a sort of a mirror. It is good to have a shave, or for your girlfriend to put some make-up on.

Apart from the jokes, I don't know if there's a technical reason to make this that way. Probably they think that it is easier for someone who is standing in front of a camera to act like if he was in front of a mirror, and I have to agree with that idea.

David Schmerin
January 10th, 2008, 09:48 PM
If anyone has a Z1U handy... I would be very interested in knowing if the effect is the same with that camera. Same I guess for the Z7U.

David Schmerin

My sample EX1 footage can be downloaded from

Chris Hurd
January 10th, 2008, 11:00 PM
Probably they think that it is easier for someone who is standing in front of a camera to act like if he was in front of a mirror, and I have to agree with that idea.Yes, that's exactly the reason why this happens. It's mentioned on page 24 of the operator's manual.

Mike Barber
January 12th, 2008, 10:36 PM
Has anyone else seen this? Is this just a setting I am overlooking. Clearly this is not an issue that will affect shooting ever, I just really think this tiny oversight, mine or Sony's is pretty darn funny.

My GL2 has the ability to turn the mirroring on or off. As Chris mentioned it being in the user manual, hopefully it says it can be disabled.