View Full Version : Audio Channel 1 Dead

Dave Beaty
January 9th, 2008, 11:57 AM
We've had our 2nd camera lose an audio channel. The first was an HD-100 and now one of our HD-250's. The mic one input on the side is completely dead.

Has anyone heard of this problem? One of the cameras is in JVC Service now, so I hope they can find the issue.

None of our operators has a clue when this happened. Perhaps it has to do with plugging in a phantom powered ME-66 shotgun while the camera is turned on? I'd hate to think you can't do that, as I've never had a problem blowing audio channels out in many many years. But, with each failure, I learn that these cameras are exceptionally sensitive to any cable hot swapping.

Dave B

Mark Silva
January 9th, 2008, 12:50 PM
Have you flicked all the switches back and forth a few times to be sure they are not the fault?

I've not heard of this before.

Adam Letch
January 10th, 2008, 08:30 AM
When you say dead, do you mean you can't hear it in the monitor/headphone, or your not recording at all on your master?

Without being facetious, and maybe making myself look the fool, early on in the piece after a helicopter shoot where I left the mic in , and I didn't bother monitoring the levels, I thought I fried a line input as I only got one channel of audio, even though I switched the monitor toggle as input 2 equals input 2.

Then the I saw on the other side of the camera that the monitor switch was all the way to one side, not in the middle, I flicked it at wallah, two channels working again.

Anyway, hope I haven't wasted your time and it may help, also without being Facetious again, is it the same mic? Have you checked other mic's to make sure it's not a bad line or mic?



Dave Beaty
January 15th, 2008, 08:29 AM
I tried flicking all the switches to make sure there is no short in the mic input or level selection.

Here is the crazy part. That switch that everyone lothes - you know - CH 2 INPUT to CH1 or CH2. This lets you send CH2's mic to CH1 without changing the cable.

Today I discovered while switching the switches back and forth that the dead CH1 WILL GO TO CH2 if I set this switch to the CH2 to CH1 mode. is that normal? IOW does it swap both the channels, or just send CH2 to CH1?

I have a dynamic mic connected to CH1 input and it's level is showing on CH2. If I set the switch to CH2 INPUT to CH2, it drops out leaving CH1 dead.

Stranger yet, when in this CH2 to CH1 mode, when I switch the monitor selector switch to CH2, I see three LED bars appear on CH1...meaning the monitor selector switch has some bearing on input during this malfunction!

The sad part is, we have 4 cameras and it seems like I have more in for repair than in the field, as soon as one comes back from service the next is cued up to go.


Dave Beaty
January 15th, 2008, 08:30 AM
repeat post