View Full Version : References requests by "Media Consultants"?

Craig Seeman
January 9th, 2008, 09:39 AM
These days, more and more "clients" are asking for "references."
I can't help but be suspicious but that's my nature I guess. It's one thing when I'm hired to produce/shoot/edit for a corporate client or for a business hiring me to do the same for a local cable spot. "Jane's Financial" or "Joe's Widgets" obviously isn't going to steal my client.

But these days I'm getting inquiries from "Media Consultants" regarding jobs for a given client of theirs.

First I'm not sure I like the idea of my clients be bothered by people contacting them for references.

Second, I do not like the idea of handing out client contact info to a "Media Consultant" who may then hire someone else and now has contact with one of my clients.

When I'm contacted by such "Media Consultant" I show them relevant demo material. I don't mind showing them info such as client's website which verifies the client is real. Often such site may even have my work on it, if it's public marketing material. Sure such "Media Consultant" may want to know if the client was actually happy with my work but I can't help but feel this request is a violation of my own client relationships.

Such "Media Consultant" may hire someone else to produce/shoot/edit for the job and such "Media Consultant" now has my client contact info.

Mark Bournes
January 9th, 2008, 10:51 AM
This is why I deal directly with clients themselves and try not to go thru media consulting agencies. You know how many jobs I've done thru "media consulting agencies?" TWO. You know how many times since then I've worked with them again? ZERO. It's like you said, they have a rolodex full of shooters and editors that they work with on a regular basis, and that's who they use 99% of the time.

Therefore I would give them too much info as far as your clients go. Show them a reel and let that speak for itself.

Craig Seeman
January 9th, 2008, 11:04 AM
Thanks Mark.

Usually the game I get is: I've got a shoot/edit for x coming up." Followed by description of job. I then show them relevant demo reel. It's clear from the reel who the client is. If they ask for references I send links to the client's websites (which are publicly available anyway of course). They can verify the job and the clients are genuine.

I will NOT give them client contact info.

I do not want to give my client info to anyone who may hire someone else and retain my client contact info.

If such "consultant" likes my work they can hire me. If I don't live up to my reel, they'll hire someone else next time. Such "reference" isn't going to verify my skills anyway. My reel does that. At best such "reference" might show that I'm easy, creative, etc. to work with but such consultant might find that out by interviewing ME on the phone or in person. If they're hiring me to be part of a creative team than maybe referring them to other industry professionals are in order (directors, producers, sound people, gaffers, etc.) may be in order, but NOT clients.