View Full Version : First Footage-Where do i post? Firewiere transfer to external HD?

David Ruhland
January 9th, 2008, 08:56 AM
After 4 days with my GL 2, I taped my first wedding fashion show. Not having much time to learn the corntols, I shot everything in Auto Mode, but did a custom White Balance. I transferred the footage in the camera to my Hard Drive and got a 13GB file is that about right for 60 minutes of filming?

I am wondering though if i should get a dual firewire card for my PC and capture right to and exteranl Hard Drive. So the configuration would be the GL2 in one firewire port, the External Hard Drive in the other port.
I do have eSATA should i forget the Firewire Hardrive and come in with the camera via firewire and out to the external HD via eSATA

In other words im trying to capture the video right from the camera to an exteranl Hard Drive.

Now i got some pretty acceptable footage, but some of it was as I would say in the still photography world "blown out" as i get better with the cameras controls is there a way to control this in the camera ie AV mode etc, since i cant control the lighting?

I want to post a short clip, but what format is best to do it in. and where?

Sorry for all the questions....


Rob Cook
January 27th, 2008, 07:03 PM
I have used DV Rack Express, its used with a lap top or desk top cpu. Just plug the fire wire in and capture to the hard drive. It also can be used as a broadcast field monitor. You must have a IEEE 1394 host adapter ( internal or external)

Dale Guthormsen
February 1st, 2008, 07:51 AM
You can get dv rack express for 99 dollars at B and H.

You only have to be filming a one time event once, have a tape problem and you will wish you already had this.