View Full Version : Neo HD Premiere Realtime playback

Brian Parker
January 9th, 2008, 12:51 AM
Sorry to start a new thread on this. I have read the FAQ and most of the cineform website, but I'm unclear on one point:

Neo HD will playback cineform movs in PPro CS3 on the mac, but can't tap into the realtime engine that Premiere has. Is that correct?

So that would mean that whenever the time indicator moves over a transition or clip with an effect, you wouldnt even get a low quality preview, right? Just a black screen?

I'm already sold on the cineform workflow. Just need to save for a hd camera and then I'm onboard. :)

Carl Middleton
January 9th, 2008, 09:49 AM

I completely missed the words "on the mac". Doh.



David Newman
January 9th, 2008, 09:51 AM
On the Mac under under Premiere Pro, the CineForm clips play just like any other, as fast as the system allows, including through transitions and color effects. If it Final Cut Pro that will not support playback throuh transitions of any third party codec.

Brian Parker
February 4th, 2008, 09:08 AM
Thanks for the reply David.
So could you just clarify what the difference between the "realtime playback" engine that is advertised for the PC version of Premiere Pro, and the Mac Premiere Pro playback is?

Also (again a mac question), can you still use and playback dynamically linked AE comps in PPro if those AE comps contain cineform clips?

David Newman
February 4th, 2008, 09:46 AM
On the Mac we do not include the real-time engine which will accelerate many operation over the stock PPro engine on the PC. All our software is available for 15-day trials. That is really the best way to find out where are work fine for you needs.