View Full Version : would this work. 2pc's networked for rendering?

Dave Morgan
January 7th, 2008, 06:36 PM
ok so if i have PC "PC-A" that i edit on

and connect it to "PC b" via a network, and i map the network drive and i have all the same software installed on "PC b". would i be able to use "PC b" just to render projects in my editing software with all the source files and video on "PC a"?

just want to make sure before i set it up to try it

Jack Kelly
January 8th, 2008, 04:43 AM
What editing software are you using?

I've got two PCs running Premiere Pro and it works perfectly. I edit on PC1 and then I can render on PC2 while I'm still editing. Here's my recipe:

1) All the PPro files and media files are stored on a RAID array on PC1 (called "D:" on PC1)

2) On PC2, I've mapped D: on PC1 to "D:" on PC2. i.e. D: on both machines means "the RAID array on PC1 with all my PPro and Media files on"

3) I also had to tell PPro on PC2 to use PC1's media-cache-database directory.

I highly recommend using GigE if you're not already using GigE.

Good luck,