Paul Cronin
January 7th, 2008, 03:20 PM
After you set up a new project and save in your project folder, which is on a different drive then your Scratch Disk. And in preferences every thing is going to “Final Cut Documents” on the Scratch Disk. Then you go to import.
When you import clips from XDCAM Transfer software where do the clips go?
With tapes they go inside Capture Scratch inside “Final Cut Documents” and make the proper folders for each project. This is one of the very nice features of FCP. This not the case with XDCAM transfer unless I make a folder in there for each project to solve this problem. If I do that will this cause other problems with FC? Will the Cache waveform, Thumbnails waveform, Render files, Audio render, all go to the proper folders?
Does anyone have an answer? Or am I missing something simple?
Craig Seeman
January 7th, 2008, 05:36 PM
In the XDCAM Transfer Tool, go into preferences and click on Import tab and set Import Location.
Yes, it's an extra step when setting up for ingest and its VERY EASY accidently to send things to a previous project or the desktop, etc.
Paul Cronin
January 7th, 2008, 06:16 PM
Thanks Craig,
I have a concern other files might not be going to the right location let me explain.
I save my projects on a second internal drive and my scratch disk is a external RAID. When logging HDV tapes it is easy because the media goes to the associated folders FC creates under "Final Cut Pro Documents". Now with the XDCAM EX1 if I tell it to go to "Final Cut Pro Documents" and create a folder for each job or go down a level and create a project folder under "Capture Scratch" (which I think is correct) it does not seem to make the files in the other folders as it does when logging a tape such as Thumbnail, Render, Autosave, Thumbnail Cache, Waveform Cache?
Also where do you tell it to put the Cache when there are two Cache files under "Final Cut Pro Documents"?
I just want to make sure the media and all associated files go in the right place before I have 4TB of projects and run into big problems.
Please help me out and walk me through all the steps since I am missing the point and feel quite silly asking the question since no one else is having this problem. Could be only two month in FCP after Avid is helping miss the point either way it is not working properly as i see it.
Craig Seeman
January 7th, 2008, 07:13 PM
If the first or only thing you're ingesting is from the EX1, no Capture Scratch is created. There's an Audio Render and a Render folder once one begins to render things.
Now if you're also importing other sources using FCP Log and Capture, you're going to have a Capture Scratch folder as well as whatever location you've imported your EX1 source files to.
Also worth noting that if you haven't backed up your SxS to anything else, those XDCAM .mov files are now your masters. Having them in a separate folder is not a bad idea so you can back that up before you take your project offline and lose your masters forever.
Paul Cronin
January 7th, 2008, 08:03 PM
Craig sorry I was editing my post while you put your post up. Thanks for your help. I do back up my EX1 footage twice prior to putting it into FCP.
Where do you send the footage? I would think into a project folder you create in the "Capture Scratch" so it is already there. Don't know if this creates a problem when FC tries to do the same when other media comes in to the project.
Paul Cronin
January 8th, 2008, 08:13 AM
Thanks for your help Craig I figured it out this morning.
Move my logo into the new project put it on the time line render then save. This creates the proper folders in "Final Cut Pro Documents" then I import the EX footage into "Capture Scratch" with the project folder name and all is well.