View Full Version : Removing effects on 250 clips

Chris J Martin
January 6th, 2008, 07:06 PM
Hello everyone,

Premiere pro 2
Hope you can help out with this one !

I have applied 2 video effects to the first clip in my sequence, then right clicked copied, selected all the other 250 or so clips by dragging a window round them and right click, paste attributes. So I have the effects applied to all the individual clips in the timeline from a multicam edit.

How do i remove these effects from all the clips without selecting them all individually. I have tried everything including creating a group, dragging the sequence to a new sequence etc. There must be a work around, no ?


Colin Pearce
January 6th, 2008, 11:44 PM
I was in the same situation. I could find no workaround. Just a painstaking process of removing each one.

The only advice I can offer in future, instead of applying effects to masses of clips, create a new sequence and drag the original SEQUENCE (not clips) into the new sequence, then apply the effects to the one new sequence. This is especially useful when adding the Broadcast Colors effect to the whole video at the end of editing.

Bart Walczak
January 7th, 2008, 03:34 AM
Exactly. No simple way to remove the effects, which is really a pain, especially when doing CC.

Chris J Martin
January 7th, 2008, 03:41 AM
Aggggg ! who pays these programmers. They should have to live with this product themselves for a few months on real projects before signing off.

Yea the way to go before starting effects is to drag the sequence into a new one creating one clip, then razor at specific points if needed.

Thanks guys

Bart Walczak
January 8th, 2008, 03:29 AM
Razor or keyframing. This at least is a strong point of Premiere. You can keyframe virtually everything.