View Full Version : Camera LCD problem.

Alex Knappenberger
June 23rd, 2003, 10:50 AM
The LCD on my $400 DV52 is out, I know you get what you pay for, but still.

Well it's not going out, it seems to be a bad connection, because when you go to turn it forward (you know, rotate it) it just stops working and goes black, and theres a point there where I don't have the LCD or the viewfinder. It just started happening today. The LCD being cheap is one of the things I've always noticed on my little camera, like because it's squeeky and noisey as hell when moving it around, but for it to stop working when its rotated, thats bull. I can live with it, infact I have to shoot today with it, and I'm just wondering if you guys think it's that big of a problem and if its worth sending into Panasonic to get fixed (which will take like a long time).

EDIT - The LCD stops functioning all together now, after its rotated forward and then put back normally, I have to shut the camera off and turn it back on to get the LCD to turn back on. I need better gear.

PS - When I get home tonight, my camera might be LCD-less (i'll probably end up breaking the it off).

Glen Elliott
June 23rd, 2003, 11:00 AM
I feel your pain man! The same thing is starting to happen with my GL-1 and I have barely 50 hours on that thing. Plus I'm very anal with my equipment and always treat it with the utmost care. I did some research on it and it seemed it was an inherent problem with the GL-1, in other words there were many others encountering the same problem. The real kicker is that Canon doesn't cover the LCD under warranty- nor does my $100 extended MACK warranty! UGH It would take Canon actually admitting there is a problem with the GL-1 LCD and calling an official recall to get the LCD fixed no-charge. Actually thats the sole reason I purchased the DVX100 because I was in fear of the GL-1 crapping out on me in the middle of a wedding.

As for me my problem is intermitent- and doesn't seem to affect the viewfinder. So if worse came to worse I could still monitor via the evf. Your problem sounds fairly specific if it's affecting the evf at the same time. Is your camera still under warranty? I'd at least call Panasonic and see what they have to say about the problem. Good luck man- I feel for ya!

Alex Knappenberger
June 23rd, 2003, 11:03 AM

Yeah, this camera doesn't even have 10 hours on it, and I treat it with care also. The viewfinder is fine, but sadly, it's a and white viewfinder on this little Panasonic, and it's impossible to judge from it.

Mike Rehmus
June 23rd, 2003, 11:05 AM
Most likely you have a broken flex-circuit between the camera and the LCD. Not surprising, really. There is a lot of twisting and bending going on in that circuit and flex-circuits, in spite of their appealing name, don't like that treatment.

A local repair shop can probably fix it for you for less than the Panasonic charge. Quicker too.

Don't break off the LCD. Besides ruining the camera, most LCD panels protect switches on the body of the camera.

Cameras fail. They are not rugged (or inexpensive) like CD players. They need to be coddled at all times. And repaired more than we'd like.

What I tell our college cinema students is that every operation, every little knock, while in and of themselves do not destroy the camera, over time, will. Shock, heat, cold, vibration, and use all contribute.

Alex Knappenberger
June 24th, 2003, 06:56 PM
Thanks Mike.


I'm going to have to call up Panasonic and do whatever. Does anyone know about how long it takes for them to fix stuff and get it back to you?

Now for some irony.

The first thing the manual says is "Thank you for choosing Panasonic! You have purchased one of the most sophisticated and reliable products on the market today. Used properly, we're sure it will bring you and your family years of enjoyment."

Mark Moore
June 24th, 2003, 07:39 PM
I sent my Canon GL1 in for a head clean/adjustment and it took about 4 weeks. I felt naked! But it was still under warranty and didn't cost a thing (other my shipping it to them).

I would definitely call. I feel it's their responsibility (especially if you only have 10 hours on it). I just hope it's covered!

It actually sounds like your next script. Person buys product (heck, make a product up) - is thrilled to get it, opens it, babies it, begins to read the manual and reads the line you quoted previously about 'quality' and 'years of happiness'. Immediately, it breaks down (insert various comedic mishaps) until he is ready to absolutely trash the merchandise, which he does with great flair. Then have a little kid (like the marble kids you couldn't find - sorry!) get it out of the trash and operate it perfectly.

Sorry, but when I read your post, it's the first thing that came into my mind.

Good luck with it.

Alex Knappenberger
June 25th, 2003, 03:34 PM
Thanks Mark.

Does anyone know about how much it will cost? The parts are covered, but not the labor. There shouldnt be much in terms of parts, I imagine, since the LCD isn't broke or anything, it's just the connection. I bet it's going to be around $100, eh.

Some more irony for ya. Some lady just called TODAY from Panasonic asking us if we wanted to buy a extra 2 year extended warranty on it for 2 more years, hahaha. I said "something already went wrong with the peice of ****" and hung up.

Alex Knappenberger
June 27th, 2003, 05:24 AM
Does anyone know where I could possibly find a shematic on LCD assemblies on low end Panasonic cameras? I took a screw off and removed a cover, and I got the LCD to do something. I'm not going to take it too far, unless I know what i'm getting into. What could it be really? The LCD isn't dead, it's just a bad connection, and there has to be a way to ghetto that up, heh.

EDIT -- UPDATE!! YAY, it appears it's NOT a bad connection. It seems the backlight went out in the LCD or something, because I can dimmly see a image on it when I hold it upto a light, but if its not right by a light, its totally black, sounds like the backlight went out?