View Full Version : Highlight rendition

Mark Edwards
January 5th, 2008, 08:18 PM
could someone upload a still tiff of any shot they have that has the sky in it. I would like to see how the camera handles highlights. Even on an overcast day my dvx still blows out the sky. If someone could upload just a simple picture I would really appreciate it. I hear the cinegamma modes are the same on the ex1 as the much higher cost cinealta cameras. Some of the cine gamma modes are supposed to help dynamic range and highlights. Maybe a scene shot with all 4 cine gamma modes. that would really make my day.
Thanks alot.

Peter Jefferson
January 5th, 2008, 09:26 PM
Its not the Cinegamma you should be looking at, but also the way in which the knees are configured and set to respond to any given highlight.

Raymond Schlogel
January 5th, 2008, 11:47 PM
Only got a couple screenshots on hand, if I recall correctly I had it on Cine3.

Sorry but I hadta downsize one of em to 1440 since at 1920 the filesize was too big.

- Ray