View Full Version : Esp. Useful to Stripe Tapes w/ Avid?

Peter Moretti
January 3rd, 2008, 09:23 PM
Avid will stop capturing by itself if there is a timecode break. This feature can be turned off, but I believe theres is still some odd behavior when a TC break is encountered.

So when recording for Avid editing, does it make good sense to stripe the tape?

(I know "to stripe or not to stripe" has been an ongoing debate in the Long Black Line forum, but I'm asking specifically as it pertains to Avid and how handles TC.)


David Parks
January 3rd, 2008, 10:40 PM

In reality:

Striping a tape is a matter for layback in a digital cut, ie whether to do an insert or assembly layback/edit to a master. I don't think it helps with shoot-based raw footage. To ensure you don't have gaps in your acquisition tapes, most cameras have a "search end" function which cues your tape to the last frame so you get contiguous time code when you shoot your next shot. That helps prevent TC breaks for capturing.

If you stripe for mastering in analog (BetaSP) make sure you have proper reference black or the timecode will actually drift against picture. Not a fun experience.


Peter Moretti
January 3rd, 2008, 10:47 PM

I'm battling an Avid problem right now where when I capture to the end of the recorded material on the tape, I get an error message and the capture is aborted.

I believe this has to do with Avid finding no timecode at the end.

Here's link to my post on the Avid board.

Perhaps striping would help this. Or if you have suggestions, I'm all ears.

David Parks
January 3rd, 2008, 11:00 PM
Ahhh... Age old conflict. Try this.. it should work. Go to Settings, Deck Preferences, and change top dialog to either Drop Frame or Non Drop, depending on which type is recorded on your capture tape.

Hope this helps...

Bill Mecca
January 4th, 2008, 09:05 AM
I get the drop frame vs non drop sometimes. Best thing is some prevention, play the tape a bit before you capture, it will read the tape and know what to expect. I also log tapes in the capture/record function setting in and out points, then I batch capture the tape.

If there is not enough pre-roll or post-roll Avid doesn't like it, so set your out point 5 seconds before the TC ends.