View Full Version : Photo Links

Mark Moore
June 22nd, 2003, 08:51 PM
I was meandering in another post that there are so many people from all over the world on this site, that it might be interesting to post a pic or two about you, your hometown, etc. - anything that makes you or your hometown unique.

Here is a link of a photo of the Greensboro NC skyline. Ooooh. Look out New York!!! I hope it turns out ok, as it was taken with a Sony Mavica FD75 near dusk - and my monitor isn't very good for retouching.

(Disregard the flyer for my short. It was turned down for every festival entered!!!)

Anyone else have something of interest to post of them or their hometown?

(Chris, please feel free to move this or delete it if you think it inappropriate!)

Dan Uneken
June 25th, 2003, 08:24 AM
If you're looking for pictures from my "home" town (where I live now) and many miles around, check:

It's really a sort of locations library for Andalusia. Also some pics from productions working here...

Mark Moore
June 25th, 2003, 10:14 AM
Those are some very nice pics, Dan. I was fortunate enough to visit Spain a few years (coaching a club soccer team). We stayed on the coast about an hour north of Barcelona (where I was promptly pic-pocketed) and visited Cadaques - Dali's summer hometown.

Here is a link of some Cadaques pics:

Very beautiful place. Thanks for sharing your pics!

Joe Carney
June 25th, 2003, 11:34 AM
Dan, those are legendary places (Seville, Cordoba..). Nice promotional site for the area. How do they react to small low budget independents (permit fees, location fees, license issues...).

Dan Uneken
June 25th, 2003, 12:11 PM
Thanks Mark & Joe!

Mark: I've never been to Cadaques. It's a long way from where I live, but it looks like worth a visit!

This place is not yet spoiled by too many productions. Of course it depend on what kind of location you're after. Generally prices here are a lot cheaper than in say the UK. Permits are usually free and there is a lot of help from local film commissions.

I'll be glad to give anyone more info and help finding out whether Andalusia is the right place for your project.



Rob Lohman
July 11th, 2003, 07:06 AM
Some photos on where I grew up and my parents still live (

Mark Moore
July 11th, 2003, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the link, Rob. I really enjoy looking at photos (and films!). I have several photo books and really liked the link you provided - so much so, I bought the guy's book!

I have not visited there before, and I guess the closest I've been is to Hilleroed (sp?) and Copenhagen in Denmark for a soccer tournament (when I coached). It was beautiful there (very nice little town and a LOVELY castle - Fredricksburg Slots) and everyone was very nice . . . including the 17-year old girl that the tour group provided for the 14 and 15 year old boys as a chaperone. The adults were in a hotel and the players (from many countries) were in a school, sleeping in sleeping bags - one classroom to a team. The girl was to sleep in their room - to keep an eye on them! I'm not sure who would have watched who!!!

However, the parents would have none of this and the dads ended up taking one night each in the classroom. However, we don't think this helped very much as the stories that came out a few months after the trip were . . . ummm . . . a bit interesting! The boys are all in college now and every once in awhile, I'll see one of the soccer-moms and if I dare to mention that girl, I can still get an ear-full!!! :D

Thanks again for the link!

Rob Lohman
July 11th, 2003, 09:35 AM
I don't know what you've exactly bought, is it that photobook
thingy? Perhaps I should have add a disclaimer that I just took
a site with some photo's from the surroundings there. Not affiliated
with any of this (except that I lived there)... Returning very near
to that place soon though!

Mark Moore
July 11th, 2003, 10:20 AM
Yes, that's what I bought (though it took me awhile to figure out photo-album = photo book!). It was a 180 page book (165 photos) of various photos by the photographer. I think there were some of various places he and his family have visited, pics of his family (kids, cat, etc.), but mostly some very beautiful places and landscapes. At $19 (USD, shipping included), I thought it was a bargain! But then again, I'm a photo junkie!

They may just be vacation pics to him and everyone else in the world, but to me they were very nice. No disclaimer needed! Thanks again.

BTW, have you ever been to that area of Denmark (Hilleroed)?

Rob Lohman
July 11th, 2003, 10:50 AM
I've been to Denmark once when I was very little. So don't
remember anything I'm afraid. Don't even know where I went.

John Locke
July 11th, 2003, 06:12 PM
Oh, chair, like a compass, is trying to spin toward my door to get me out and on the road again.'re a photo junkie? Well, I'm a travel junkie. Seeing these photos makes me want to hit the road.

Dan...I envy you. I spent about 6 months in La Coruņa in 1999 and loved every minute of it. I traveled around central Spain some on another trip but never got to Andalucia. That's definitely on my list.

Rob...I envy you, too. I have a friend that I traveled to see a couple of times in Holland and I loved the picturesque countryside. The bicycle roads are great! Last time I was there was 1985, though, and I remember being amazed that a farmer was actually wearing wooden shoes. Do they still do that? Or do they all wear Nikes now? So many cultural things like that don't exist in countries anymore.

Mark...good thread. I'll try to get some Japan photos up soon.

Mark Moore
July 11th, 2003, 07:17 PM
Thanks John. I'm actually a junkie for several things, but I love photo/film! I have also extensively traveled - when I was a soccer coach (25 years). I visited the east coast of Spain (north of Barcelona), Austria, Denmark and Germany (two separate trips).

It just seemed logical that with so many of us all around the world, a few photos would be very interesting - at least to me!!!

Here are some pics of places I visted (try not to fall asleep!):

Fredricksburg Slots - Denmark

Copenhagen Mermaid

The White House (complete with Monica's red car?)

A stone stair case in Graz, Austria

Llorett de Mar, Spain

Heidelberg Castle, Germany

Original jail cell at Park City Utah - hand held at 1/15 second.

Original Congress - Philadelphia

Tybee Lighhouse - Savannah

Wright Brothers Plane - Smithsonian. (Actually the original was destroyed and this is a remake!)

Golden Gate Bridge - San Fransisco

Pics in Barcelona

'94 World Cup Opening in Detroit

From atop the Hancock Building in Chicago

Cadaques, Spain - Dali's Summer Hometown

And finally: Remnants of a huge fire in Greensboro sometime in the 80s.

I hope I haven't bored everyone to tears with my home snapshots! I sure wish when I had the equipment then that I have now!!!

I must have edited this 50 times to make the links work. I'm so thick sometimes!

John Locke
July 11th, 2003, 07:37 PM
Thanks, Mark. I've enjoyed checking them out. I've been to some of the same places!

You were a soccer coach? Now that's interesting. I bet you've had some great travels and experiences.

(by the way...the link for Lloret de Mar, Spain doesn't work...that's one I'd like to see)

Mark Moore
July 11th, 2003, 09:21 PM
Sorry. I've fixed the link. I'll bet I've screwed up every single one of those links trying to post them!

Yes, I have all sorts of stories from 25-years of coaching (I'm still an administrator with NC Soccer - 10 years!), both good and bad. The good definitely outweighs the bad, as all of those pics were from soccer trips, I've met life-long friends, and done things I would have never been able to do because of the "beautiful game"! But when the 'bad' rears it's head, it's very ugly.

From parents hitting youth referees, to adults taking little girl soccer players into a restroom and doing a "panty-check" to make sure she was a girl (because she had short hair and played better than the other little girls)! And these things happen all over the country and probably the world! However, the average soccer parent never hears these things.

I have a lot of insight about youth sports - both as an administrator and a coach and I'll write the perfect screen play on youth soccer one day!!!

Rob Lohman
July 14th, 2003, 03:13 AM
Wooden shoes still exist here and are mainly used by farm people
indeed. Although they are very fond of high rubber boots as well
(obviously). Yes, we also have a few wooden mills left although
they usually aren't used anymore. Tulips are still doing great as
well <g>

Keep in mind that the country here is almost completely flat. We
don't have any mountains and some regions have some hills
(notably the south and a bit to the east). Other than that it is
all flat with water and green all around you.

And it is still hard to find a good location to shoot. Why? Because
it is pretty densily populated here and interesting things like
ruins or old unused buildings are not really here. If something isn't
used it is either closed down or removed.