View Full Version : REMOVE TAPE Error fixed with reboot

David Ennis
January 2nd, 2008, 11:42 PM
Why another thread on this subject? Because when I finally got the dreaded error after three years and thought of all the long threads I've read on this subject I was feeling a little sick. Then I went with my instinct to at least try removing both the Lithium Ion battery and the coin battery for a few minutes. The problem cleared.

I realize that there may be a number of different reasons for the Remove Tape message, and maybe most of them are going to lead to a $250 repair by Canon. But chances are that some people have gone that route unnecessarily.

When any microprocessor controlled piece of equipment behaves weirdly, the first thing to try is a cold reboot. And the GL2 is no exception.

Gildo Houtekamer
January 3rd, 2008, 07:47 AM
Tried it with mine, didn't help.
Send it in for repair today :-(

Gildo Houtekamer
February 9th, 2008, 05:21 AM
Got it back yesterday. € 400.- repair cost