Dale Eastman
January 2nd, 2008, 05:06 PM
Hey folks,
Just saying Hello to everyone, I'm from Melbourne Australia, and it seems there are a few more Aussies around here as well, which is always good!
I work for JVC Australia and will be browsing around the forums trying to help out members with questions they may have.
After having a bit of a look around there seems to be a great mix of beginners and experienced users in the forum, it's good to see such an avid and diverse bunch of enthusiasts :)
Vaughan Bromfield
February 3rd, 2008, 05:04 PM
Hello my name is Vaughan Bromfield and I'm from Sydney Australia. New to the forums and new to video but I have a bit of a still photographic background, mostly commercial darkroom but a bit of lens work with everything from 35mm to 4x5 large format. Mostly all obsolete technology now. ;(
I just bought a cheapish Sony Handycam - the DCR-HC48 - mostly because I wanted a waterproof housing to do sailing photographs, I want to mount the camera on the boat where it will get very wet). Only Sony offered one that costs less than the camera (the SPK-HCC). JVC's marine case was massive overkill (and $$$) and I couldn't find anything for Canon or Panasonic at all.
I'm now working my way through several hours of footage (taken on the Bay in Melbourne, as it happens) trying to edit it down to something watchable. All good fun. Part of that fun is learning what needs to be done to get reasonable results. ;)
Oh, I should mention that before I bought the camera I did a lot of reading on this forum, which convinced me to get a MiniDV tape camera instead of the "newer" and thus "better" DVD or Hard Disk models.
Chris Soucy
February 3rd, 2008, 05:16 PM
Always good to see more Antipodeans on DVinfo.
We don't see too many real live company reps here, especially from the camera companies, more's the pity.
Think theyre under the collective opinion that we're a load of "Great Whites" and it's safer in the pool than in the sea.
Do you have a speciality, Dale or are you what used to be called "a generalist"?
Vaughan - don't let my "Great White" comment influence your sailing habits.
Glad to have you guys aboard.
Vaughan Bromfield
February 4th, 2008, 05:38 PM
Vaughan - don't let my "Great White" comment influence your sailing habits.
LOL Sharks are the *least* of our worries. They tend to like surfers more: from below a surfer looks like a seal.
Anyway at Blairgowrie during the Laser nationals I met a young sailor from Darwin. She mentioned that where she usually sails they have to watch for crocodiles. Big ones. She was serious too.
Here in Australia, the most deadly creature - that responsible for the most deaths each year - is the honey bee.