View Full Version : Is this Research Study Real?

Stephen Jackson
January 2nd, 2008, 03:24 PM
I've seen this quote on several videographer's website and I would like to know has anyone actually seen this research study.

A research study from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania shows the response rate from video presentations can be up to 600% higher than from printed brochures and other materials.

Jeff Emery
January 2nd, 2008, 03:37 PM
No I haven't actually seen the research study. But heck, it's on the internet. It must be true!!

I think I might start using it on my website :)


Peter Wiley
January 2nd, 2008, 03:56 PM
If this is an accurate quote:

the data are for "direct response videos" -- pieces that ask a consumer to take an immediate response (call this number now!) not for all kinds of video presentations.

My Google search for "Wharton video response rate" returned lots of quotes of the study but I still can't get at the original even from the Wharton site due to not so great search engine there.

Stephen Jackson
January 2nd, 2008, 04:09 PM
I've read that article as well as this one:

They reference the study as an actual document but we spent several hours on Wharton's Website and found no such study the closest we found came from The Journal of Extension This study was about combining video into a CD-ROM and didn't reference the numbers that so many are taking for fact.

I would like to use those statistical numbers also but the possible downside of quoting a source that can't be verified is when I'm in a corporate presentation and have an actual Wharton graduate commenting on the stats and wants to get a copy of the resaerch. Then what do I do?

Chris Davis
January 2nd, 2008, 04:10 PM
I googled it and found many websites quoting that statistic (or variations of it). I'll take each one of them with a grain of salt. However, I did find a good article from Brandweek about video marketing that quoted the same statistic:

While I could not find the actual study (and no one who quoted it provided a link...) I did find a confirmation that the study exists on the Wharton website:

Mondaq Business Briefing, 1/29/03 — A Wharton study about rates of retention by video and print was noted.

Chris Davis
January 2nd, 2008, 04:27 PM
After a bit more digging, I'm going to assume it's from "Testing New Direct Marketing Offerings: The Interplay of Management Judgment and Statistical Models" as published in Management Science from May 1998. It was written in part by David Schmittlein, professor of marketing at Wharton.