View Full Version : Real World Experience of VL-3 Lamp?

Graham Bernard
June 22nd, 2003, 04:20 PM
Title says it all.

I'm considering something to give a bit of "umph" to a scene.


Joe Sacher
June 22nd, 2003, 05:46 PM
I didn't think it gave much umph at all. I went with the VL-10i instead. This can also be used slightly off camera for a little more realisti light. I figure that I can also use a mirror to bounce it up if I want a little less harch light.

Trond Saetre
June 24th, 2003, 02:06 PM
After having tried both the VL-3 and VL-10Li, I would recommend the VL-10Li. Or maybe even a more powerful light.

Eric Gutknecht
June 24th, 2003, 02:46 PM
VL3 is good to create a "catch light" in the eyes of your subjects assuming they are fairily close to the camera. I have used it with good success when doing outside work with interview subjects.

It won't light up a room thats for sure but it is handy for when you just need a bit of extra light right in front of the camera.


P.S. Search on VL3, there are a few good threads in here that I used before I decided to buy mine.

Graham Bernard
June 24th, 2003, 03:16 PM
Thanks Eric, Trond & Joe.

Bought the VL3 - haven't used it on a project yet. Will have a chance soon. Have compared this to a VidPro's Sony fill light - VL3 does do some good work up to about 1.5 / 2 metres - that's about it. This could be all I need. I did read all the vl10 AND vl3 posts. Knida got influenced by Chris Hurd's comments. Basically I don't want to "scare" poeple off at a wedding - just a bit of coaxing - yeah?

Eric you got it about right for me too: "It won't light up a room thats for sure but it is handy for when you just need a bit of extra light right in front of the camera."

Thanks again chaps,


Marc Martin
June 26th, 2003, 11:06 PM
You want to see what could does a VL3 in a dark Club? Easy:

Same settings on the 2 images:

Manual mode
S: 1/25
F: 1.6
0 dB gain