View Full Version : Ring lights again

Andy Tejral
December 31st, 2007, 04:54 PM
Searching on Ring lights, I found a bunch of still camera flashes and among them the Digi-Slave series of flash/continuous lights. The highest price is under $400 and range down to $250 making them both small and reasonably priced.

Anybody have experience with them?

Kenneth Johnson
December 31st, 2007, 05:57 PM
i have this model Digi-slave FLEX RING 6400 - DIFLR6400

works great

could not ask for a better ring light
very adjustable with the arms
also the light settings


Andy Tejral
December 31st, 2007, 07:19 PM
What camera are you using it with?

Jaron Berman
December 31st, 2007, 09:29 PM
I have (and am selling) a Kinoflo Kamio. Its probably the best small ring out there, looks excellent for what its supposed to do. The new LED ringlights can be nice - the largest one is excellent but a bit cumbersome. Out of curiosity, what's your intended use?

Andy Tejral
December 31st, 2007, 11:06 PM
Well, I'm contemplating a dance video.

It will mostly be lit with disco style LED lights (Chauvet ColorSplash Jr.--I just bought 'em and am now trying to figure out how to program them with FreeStyler).

I have no idea how much light these will generate and I thought it might be a good idea to have a camera based light to raise the brightness level; hopefully without washing out the colored lights.

It will be a very big learning experience for me!

Plus, I love the look of the ring light reflected in the eye. So for any face shots, I'll try to get that ring effect.

Some time ago, I did buy a Home Depot ring flourescent which I built into a very unwieldy matte box. I might try to re-work that.