View Full Version : alesis firewire i/o 26 with vegas

Baldwin Li
December 31st, 2007, 03:31 AM
hi folks,

ive had an alesis i/o 26 firewire soundcard fior the past few months and have never got it to work properly with Vegas 7 - with the newest drivers the Alesis ASIO driver simply doesnt work with vegas so i have to route it through Microsoft Sound Mapper (hardly the most efficient way to do things) and it does a funny speeded up playback thing now and again in vegas.

with the older drivers (issued on CD with the unit) the ASIO drivers work but it crashes vegas quite regularly in that funny speeded up playback manner. not sure if these symptoms sound familiar to any of you.

anyhow, im ready to get rid of the alesis i/o 26 as aside from the driver issues i really dont like it - the lack of a mute button is a major annoyance and having the roll the inifinte main volume pot down each time i record anything live is very tedious but the most disapopinting thing is the lack of a proper routing matrix for its eight outputs (i had a focusrite saffire previously which has a full matrix with the ability to route direct monitoring and software outputs to any channel) and, also annoying, the fact you cant control the output levels of each channel via the software panel...

i'm probably going to go for a focusrite saffire pro 10 i/o or a pro 26 i/o - has anyone used one of these with vegas and was it stable?

