View Full Version : Another (new) Texan

Daniel J. Wojcik
December 28th, 2007, 09:31 AM
I have no idea if I posted here at my old home, but I've moved into a new neighborhood, so.....


After 22 years in Germany, I'm finally back in the States, living in a town I'd never heard of before. Kempner, Texas...down the road apiece from Fort Hood.

As soon as my household goods arrive (tomorrow, actually), I'll have my camera again (DVX-100A) and my real computer with Vegas and DVDA on it.

I don't expect I'll be doing much with it anytime job, new house, new baby on the way...figure I'll be a bit busy for the next few months.

However, Austin is 50 miles down the road...I've heard rumors that that's a good place for filmmaking and such, so sooner or later... :)


Edward Slonaker
January 3rd, 2008, 09:17 AM
Hey Daniel!

You're back just in time for South-by-Southwest ( there in Austin. I had the privilege to attend one of the first ones and was blown away, even then! Now, this little fest has grown and has gained national attention. You'll have a ball.

We're right down the road from you (in Texas terms). Welcome!


Daniel J. Wojcik
January 3rd, 2008, 09:54 PM
Cool beans. Thanks. And Lou Reed will be speaking at the Music Conference, too. Icing on the cake.

Of course, the baby will be 2 weeks old or so around then....wonder if the missus will mind if I skip out for a week... :)