View Full Version : My first shot with the HV20
Rafael Lopes December 28th, 2007, 04:53 AM This is my first shot with the Hv20. I went to Portugal to visit my parents and I found my old guitar and decided to have some fun. I simply placed the HV20 on different locations and "shot my self". It took like 10 or 15 minutes. It actually came up pretty nice, with the exception of the sound (recorded directly with the HV20's mic). I have to say that even though I miss having the manual control my Xh-A1 has, this small little camera is pretty cool to take anywhere you want.
Adam Perry December 28th, 2007, 07:45 AM wanted to take a look, but it said
This video has been protected
This is a private clip.
Rafael Lopes December 28th, 2007, 08:17 AM Sorry, man. I'm new to vimeo. I'm going to change the settings so that everyone can see it.
Rafael Lopes December 28th, 2007, 08:30 AM It has been fixed. Sorry about that.
Adam Perry December 28th, 2007, 10:46 AM video looked nice....what settings did you use?
Rafael Lopes December 28th, 2007, 10:58 AM Thanks. It was shot on 24p, 1/48 shutter, auto wb, exposure...I don't remember.
Adam Perry December 28th, 2007, 11:53 AM cool, i didnt know if it was cine mode or in a constant struggle to pic which one i like more.
David Braund December 28th, 2007, 10:23 PM im impressed
very very nice
Rafael Lopes December 29th, 2007, 12:29 AM Thanks, guys. I really liked it too. It was a bit of a shock for me the lack of control on the Hv20 after always having worked with bigger cameras with full manual control over everything, but after a while you get the hang of it. Also the fact that you can have this level of quality with such a tiny camera just blows me away. When I started studying cinema like 8 years ago I would have dreamed about a camera like this. I shot A LOT of my projects back then with a stinking 1 ccd sony minidv that cost more than the HV20. I'm looking forward to pushing the HV20's baundaries.
Essor Nougier December 29th, 2007, 04:11 PM I love how you handled your shots within the dynamics range of the HV20.
Rafael Lopes December 29th, 2007, 05:43 PM Thanks. I must say though that one of the main differences between the XH-A1 and the HV20 is the lack of dynamic range on the HV20...the transition between dark and light is way more subtle on the XH-A1.
Ben Camden December 29th, 2007, 06:16 PM Very nice video
glad I picked up an Hv20!
Rafael Lopes January 1st, 2008, 07:01 AM Thanks. I must say I'm impressed with the Hv20 my self.
Glenn Thomas January 1st, 2008, 09:06 PM Looks great. Was that just one light you were using there?
Rafael Lopes January 2nd, 2008, 01:02 AM Yep, just the one light you see there :)