View Full Version : to users of Avid Liquid/Avid XpressHD whitch works bestwith JVC?
Saul Martinez December 27th, 2007, 07:32 PM I edit in Avid Xpress(DV) and need upgrade to HD system, I would like to know whitch of Avid Liquid or Avid XpressPro HD could be a better system to edit material recorded in JVC HD100/200 cameras?
Thanks to all.
Ralph McCloud December 28th, 2007, 07:19 PM I'm using Avid Liquid Pro (v7.2) It works awesome for me. Only drawback is you can't (or at least I haven't figured out) output the timeline to an HD monitor.
Stephen L. Noe December 28th, 2007, 10:07 PM You can get HD output easily by using either the USB BOB or VGA second head (software only). I use Liquid Chrome Xe which has all the bells and wistles for HD (ie HD monitoring, HD-SDI I/O etc.)
You can not go wrong with the ProHD/Liquid combo.
Jan Van der Heyden December 29th, 2007, 03:43 AM The same goes for me here, I have been using Liquid Pro 7.2 for my last five projects and it works like a charm. I must say that I have never used Avid Express, so I can't really compare, but I don't feel the need to change to other software.
Jack Walker December 29th, 2007, 04:06 AM I also use Liquid 7.2 and it does very well with HDV... both the JVC 720 and the XH-A1 1080i for me.
The Liquid Pro Break-out-Box (BOB) will output the HD timeline to a monitor, but only in SD.
I don't know, but I'm curious to know of the 2nd VGA head solution to an HD TV monitor with a VGA input will show the timeline in HD in real time. I don't know, myself.
If you're looking around and want realtime HD monitoring, the best solution right now, I believe, is Edius 4.5 NX. Edius has a nice codec and some nice features and works smoothly with After Effects (not as a plug-in or directly, but the native Canopus files work in After Effects). The NX option card gives you the real time monitoring and other benefits, but it's not necessary to edit with, just as the Liquid Pro BOB is not necessary.
As far as editing the JVC proHD, I believe the two top choices are Liquid and Edius, with possibly Vegas coming in a third some place.
To me, Avid Express should not be a choice at this time for this use.
Saul Martinez December 29th, 2007, 01:45 PM Thanks to all, You have dissolved some doubts I had and I'm having some inclination to Liquid...but now another doubt rise...Liquid Pro or Liquid Chrome Xe? Any advise?
Jack Walker December 29th, 2007, 02:37 PM Thanks to all, You have dissolved some doubts I had and I'm having some inclination to Liquid...but now another doubt rise...Liquid Pro or Liquid Chrome Xe? Any advise?
I would say it depends on exactly what you need it to do now and what your plans are for the future.
I use Liquid and the Pro BOB for these uses:
1. Real time Standard Definition preview on an SD monitor.
2. Capture of Betacam tapes with the analog component inputs.
3. SD DV editing of all sorts, multicam, etc., Liquid is outstanding.
For capture of VHS tapes I use a Canopus ADVC instead of the Pro Box, though if you have good quality tapes, the Liquid box will do fine for inputing VHS and encoding to DV.
Here is a link to the original press release for Chrome Xe:
Are you doing uncompressed HD? What computer do you have and is it compatible with LiQuid?
Also, keep in mind that Avid/Pinnacle Liquid is not going to receive any future development. An update to fix some bugs is promised, but there is not delivery date, and that's it.
Liquid is great for current HDV now, but it will not have support for future formats. There are now some formats Liquid can't deal with. For example, it doesn't remove the pull-down from the Canon HV20 24p, whereas Edius does. But if you are exclusively using JVC proHD, this isn't a concern.
Also, because of it's age, certain aspects of Liquid are missing. For example, the color corrector has a limiter for DV 601 color space but not for HDV 709 color space. On the other hand, a modern application like Edius automatically makes these conversions and has the tools to work with them.
What parts of Liquid are you planning to use? Many people who use Liquid for editing use other tools for such things as DVD encoding.
If you are using After Effects a lot, Liquid is not the best solution. There are problems (many with workarounds and solutions) of getting video out and in of Liquid. However, if you are staying within Liquid, Liquid is very good and many people love it.
Since the Pro Box can now be bought separately, the best idea might be to buy the software first, then add the pro box if you want it.
If you need something at the level of the Chrome options, for the money and the additional support, I would look at Edius and Edius NX.
For use now, Liquid is fine. For an app to stick with into the future, or if you are using a lot of different cameras and formats, Edius is the best solution I believe.
Just remember, if Liquid doesn't do what you want now, it never will. Avid has announced a new NLE project to be the new editor for the "Videographer." The new NLE is supposed to be out in a couple of years, but no one knows the details.
Depending on what you are doing, Studio may be something to look at if you don't have an editor. It does HDV DVD, which Liquid doesn't and it has more up-to-date support in some areas.
If you need a more professional editor Liquid is an option if it does what you need now. If you are looking for an editor to grow with into the future, I would choose Edius. (Some people like Vegas, especially if they have Sony cameras.)
Stephen L. Noe December 29th, 2007, 06:30 PM Thanks to all, You have dissolved some doubts I had and I'm having some inclination to Liquid...but now another doubt rise...Liquid Pro or Liquid Chrome Xe? Any advise?
If you have the cash then there is no doubt to go with Chrome Xe. The Xena LHe card will I/O you production right to HDCam deck. Also the Xena LHe card will work with alot of NLE's besides Liquid Chrome.
I have both and the Chrome Xe solution is WAY better than the Pro Box.
Saul Martinez December 29th, 2007, 07:45 PM Thanks friends, Jack and Stephen, you have open me a high way where I can go in confidence.
Steve Oakley December 29th, 2007, 10:09 PM I know an editor who was cutting a project I shot on a newish recently updated Media composer/PC and had all sorts of problems. he reloaded the project as SD just to finish the edit because it was that bad, so I would not have high confidence that Express is any better.
you might be better off looking at premeire pro or FCP