David Delaney
December 27th, 2007, 09:11 AM
I happen to see a tutorial on Adobe Premiere CS3 multi-cam editing, and I have to say it looked quite complicated. Is the latest incarnation of Sony Vegas 8 Multi-cam editing like that?
View Full Version : Multi-cam editing - is it like Premiere's? David Delaney December 27th, 2007, 09:11 AM I happen to see a tutorial on Adobe Premiere CS3 multi-cam editing, and I have to say it looked quite complicated. Is the latest incarnation of Sony Vegas 8 Multi-cam editing like that? Roger Akers December 27th, 2007, 10:44 AM David, I am by no means as knowledgeable as the rest around here however, you should look into VAAST Ultimate S3. I can't compare it to the vanilla Vegas muticam setup because I have never tried it but I can tell you it's super easy with the VAAST setup. In a nutshell you pull all your cameras on the timeline. Then in VAAST you assign which cameras they are coordinated to. Then you can watch the clip in real time while switching cameras by pressing 1-4 and it will "record" what you do, set up markers (which you can edit), then render the edited version on a seperate track. Check out the site. http://www.vasst.com/ Paul R Johnson December 27th, 2007, 10:53 AM That's not much different from Premier - I do multicam all the time and find it quite simple, as long as you remember which audio track is going to be master! |