View Full Version : United Media Inc Multicam plugin

Frank Hool
December 27th, 2007, 04:17 AM
Is anybody out there real user of this product? Just checking from independent source that this product exist anyways. And if yes then any experiencies of usage.
Just its a bit unsure for me there is such product. Because of no reviews in internet, no trial versions etc...

Alessandro Garabaghi
December 27th, 2007, 11:50 AM
why dont u just use the multicam feature in premiere cs3?

Frank Hool
December 27th, 2007, 04:30 PM
or in CS2!!?? Answer is simpel as hell. Because of Adobes stupid policy to require SSE2 supportes CPU from CS2 unlike Vegas and almost all other pro editing tools.
Why i dont just use then Vegas. Because its crashing everytime i try to add clips to multicam editing.
So i start wonder about this united media multicam tool. But the more i waste my time gather information about it the more sure i am there never was such product available.

Edward Troxel
December 27th, 2007, 04:50 PM
Why don't you try using one of the scripts in vegas? Excalibur and Ultimate S have provided multi-cam in Vegas for years!

I've also played with the multi-cam in Vegas and it seems solid here. I'd be more concerned about figuring out why Vegas is crashing for you.

Ervin Farkas
December 28th, 2007, 12:08 PM
Frank, the software DOES exist, it is legitimate, it is being sold by several reputable websites here in the States.

Frank Hool
December 29th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Why don't you try using one of the scripts in vegas? Excalibur and Ultimate S have provided multi-cam in Vegas for years!

Yes i tried, but in this certain case i see much more workable alternative:
Thanks to Barry Oppenheim for this!

I've also played with the multi-cam in Vegas and it seems solid here. I'd be more concerned about figuring out why Vegas is crashing for you.

Yes i should be concerned which would end up changing my editing platform most probably:) But anyways i dont know Vegas secret life not so well as Premieres. So i don`t want waste my time take through all those beginners steps what i did about 10 yrs ago with premiere. In other words i can make quick desicion with premiere when i see some errors... to continue to find solution with given setup or start quickly search workaround.

Frank, the software DOES exist
Have You seen this product with Your own it stabile ...etc

Ervin Farkas
January 9th, 2008, 07:12 AM
No, I have not seen it - I work with PremPro 2.0 for multicam.