View Full Version : Hardware Suggestion

Hugh DiMauro
December 26th, 2007, 11:42 AM
Has anybody any suggestions for a brand of breakout box that won't conflict with my Premiere pro 2.0? I no longer want to use my video camera as a patch through between my PC and production monitor. The last breakout box I purchased made PPro 2 crash all the time.

Mike McCarthy
December 26th, 2007, 01:22 PM
Need more info than that. Are you talking about a DV Digital-to-analog convertor, or an editing accelerator card like a Matrox RT.X2?

Hugh DiMauro
December 26th, 2007, 02:37 PM
I have been using my cheapo Sony handycam as the patch-through via ieee (firewire) cable enabling me to playback my timeline through a separate, external JVC monitor. I would rather use some kind of breakout box or, yes, digitizer, as the connector between my PC and my JVC monitor. The last one I purchased made my Premiere Pro 2.0 program crash all the time.