View Full Version : AspectHD vs Matrox RT.X2
Steve Sobodos December 24th, 2007, 10:55 PM I am trying out AspectHD on my Premiere Pro 1.5.1 system with footage from my new Canon XH A1. I have a ticket in for the capture preview window being green when playing footage through the firewire (capturing or not). The footage looks fine if I ignore the green screen and go ahead and capture. Any one else have this problem?
Also, when I drop footage on the timeline and put a Cineform cross dissolve between clips, I get the red bar requiring rendering. I can't drag through it real-time either. This is a surprise as this is supposed to be real-time. I can put video on V1 and V2 and change opacity real-time which is what a cross dissolve does.
I do have a .X100 in my system right now, do you think this is the conflict?
I need to make a choice: PPro3 & Matrox RT.X2 for about $1,500 or AspectHD & PPro3 Upgrade for about $800. I have already upgraded my system to be on the Matrox validated list but it seems like so many have problems with .X2. Matrox's solution seems to be wipe and re-load windows and all your software. I'm sure the crash-o-matic Premiere deserves some blame but I have not heard the huge negatives about Cineform.
Sorry for rambling . . .
Carl Middleton December 25th, 2007, 07:11 AM Are you using the Cineform project presets?
David Newman December 25th, 2007, 10:55 AM There are conflicts with some of the Matrox cards, but I don't know the symptoms so I'm not sure if this is the issue. Please file a trouble ticket and support will be back at the office tomorrow, hopefully they will have a simple solution. Our support lead is an old .X100 user.
Steve Sobodos December 25th, 2007, 10:59 PM Yes I am using the Cineform preset for 1080/60i.
I filed a ticket on the green screen problem a week ago and we have not found the solution yet.
With fundamental functionality issues (Cineform cross disolve requires rendering and the green screen thing), I am apprehensive.
Richard Leadbetter December 26th, 2007, 03:29 AM Simple question - does it do the same thing without the Matrox card installed? CineForm's components are realtime without rendering, you really need to know if the problem is Matrox (likely) or some other element of your system.
Matt Vanecek December 28th, 2007, 12:01 AM I use Cineform with PPro 1.5.1. The Cineform effects are real-time, but if you have other effects on the clips, then rendering will be required. Also, if you've set the motion properties (scale, position, etc.), then rendering will be required. I forget if opacity changes also force a render, but I don't think they do...
On just straight cross-dissolves between two otherwise unaltered clips, Cineform effects/transitions do not require rendering (for me), but I do not have your Matrox card.
David Taylor December 28th, 2007, 01:19 AM All effects/transitions/filters in the CineForm folders will be real time when using a CineForm preset. With minor exception (including cross dissolve), we don't map other Adobe effects/transitions/filters into the CineForm RT engine. So for the most RT performance always try to use a CineForm filter to minimize forced renders.
David Newman December 28th, 2007, 10:18 AM Also, if you've set the motion properties (scale, position, etc.), then rendering will be required. I forget if opacity changes also force a render, but I don't think they do...
Motion and opacity are real-time, even with scale and position, the only issue is we don't support b-spline paths, linear operations are RT.
Steve Sobodos January 1st, 2008, 09:12 PM Well I had a different problem with Premiere 1.5.1 and my Matrox RTX.100. I could not export an existing SD project to a movie using the Matrox Pre-set. This worked fine prior to all this so I uninstalled Quicktime which I upgraded a couple of days prior and Premiere could export the movie.
I tried many versions of quicktime and all had the same problem. I finally uninstalled Aspect HD, Matrox Xtools, and Premiere. I reloaded Premiere 1.5, then 1.5.1, then Matrox Xtools and the latest Quicktime - all worked fine, I could export my movie. I re-loaded Cineform Aspect HD and the problem returns - can't export Matrox preset movie project (no change to the project).
Since I plan on still using my Matrox RT.X100 - I am now giving up on Cineform. The green screen is the least of my problems. Thanks for your efforts.