View Full Version : DVC11 - And The Winner Is...

Dylan Couper
December 24th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Ah, 'tis the season to make movies?
Well, not really... but 11 of you pushed through to submit a fantastic batch of films, all centered around the theme "light". Congrats to all who submitted a film, it's usually a pretty busy time of year to get something done.

Of course, this was our yearly holiday charity challenge, where we all donated to raise a pool of cash to give to the charity of the winner's choice. The winner will also get a fantastic shopping spree, courtesy of our sponsors Guy Cochran and, but will also get to donate $811 to the charity of their choice!

Huge props to all who donated, it's a great example of the good spirit of the people on this forum. And also big thanks to Chris Hurd and the rest of DVinfo for keeping this place one of the best on the net!

And now...

Steven Koernig "The Noisome Darkness"

Congrats Steven, a strong showing for a very good film!

Kris Holodak “Santa's Joy Ride”

Nicely done Kris! Great film... you were very close!

And now...

Hugh DiMauro "Flashlight"

Congrats Hugh! Superbly done!
You now have the huge decision of which charity to give the donation pool too... not a totally un-fun way to spend an afternoon! So bask in the glory of victory for a while, then shoot me an email and I'll go over the details with you.
Hey, wait a second... This win also makes you our first two-time champion, doesn't it?

Lorinda Norton
December 24th, 2007, 12:57 PM
Hey, wait a second... This win also makes you our first two-time champion, doesn't it?
It most certainly does make him the first two-time champion! Wow!!!

Congratulations, Hugh! Such a well-deserved win. I'm proud of you! :)

And Kris, I'm very happy for you! Congrats also to Steven on a scary light movie, as well. They were both great films.

Thank you, Dylan, Chris, and Guy for allowing everyone to have so much fun time after time.

Merry Christmas, everyone. :)

Hugh DiMauro
December 24th, 2007, 01:20 PM
Thank you, Dylan, for your kind words and taking the time to continue this tradition. Lorinda, I hope you truly know how much your words mean to me, especially coming from a previous December winner!

My charity is the United Way's Idaho Meth Project, targeted toward preventing Idaho's youth from the temptation of even thinking about experimenting with methamphetamines, one of the most addictive and life ruining drugs out there. Daily, I deal with the ruined lives this drug had caused.

Dick Mays
December 24th, 2007, 01:31 PM
My charity is the United Way's Idaho Meth Project, targeted toward preventing Idaho's youth from the temptation of even thinking about experimenting with methamphetamines, one of the most addictive and life ruining drugs out there. Daily, I deal with the ruined lives this drug had caused.


Great charity cause. I only wish we spent 1/10th as much trying to help the drug addicted as we do locking them up (at least here in Georgia). Meth looks really bad, based on the before and after pictures I have seen.

Congratulations on being the first two time winner!

And Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


Michael Nistler
December 24th, 2007, 01:34 PM
Way to go winners, Dylan, and everyone for both the enjoyable contest and helping make the world a better place through charitable contributions. Hugh, your Meth Projectcause certainly is a noble cause and we're heartwarmed to know it brings personal meaning to you.

I hope you have the opportunity to show your excellent video to some of the youth and if necessary, threaten them with the dreaded "truthiness flashlight!!!"

Happy holidays to all,


Mike Teutsch
December 24th, 2007, 02:31 PM

A great film and a great win for you Hugh! I enjoyed it and it looks like everyone else did too! Your charity sounds great and I bet they will put the money to very good use.

Congratulations my man. Just keep that flashlight away from me!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugh DiMauro
December 24th, 2007, 03:15 PM
If you laughed then I'm happy. What is that old saying? "It is easier for a camel to jump through the eye of a needle than for a human to quit an addiction." Meth is some bad stuff.

Peter Silk
December 24th, 2007, 08:46 PM
Congrats Guys, have a great Christmas - expect to see me around the next comp - 'till then - have fun! :P
