View Full Version : Custom Preset Recommendation for Indoor Winter Wedding

Art Varga
December 23rd, 2007, 11:03 AM
I'm still steep in the learning curve with my A1 so I have a have a question that may be very subjective but any help appreciated. I'm shooting a wedding next week. All of the footage will be shot in one of three locations

Hotel Lobby - shoot will be in the early afternoon so lighting will be a combination of interior and natural lighting.

Church - after sundown so no natural light and generally dark.

Recpeption Hall - also at night so only interior lighting.

I've played around with the custom presets in the library and have a few general favorites - TERRA1 and NATURALO. My first question is, should I pick one preset and stick with it throughout or should I experiment with the best preset for each location? Does anyone have any recommendations for these lighting conditions? Quite frankly I would rather "set and forget" due to all the other things I need to worry about but would be interested in any feedback.

Richard Hunter
December 23rd, 2007, 05:58 PM
I would change the settings to get the best results (or the look that I want) at each location. That's what they're there for in my opinion.
