Kev O'Brien
December 21st, 2007, 03:10 PM
i got my a1 a couple of weeks ago after previously owning an XM2, its been a real steep learning curve getting to grips with the controls and today i took it out for the first time to shoot a little bit of footage and try some different presets, i shot it with auto wb and auto gain in manual with manual focus which caused me a few probs as you will see, im pleased with the overall look but need plenty of advise on my technique
a couple of points
the camera arrived faulty with a blue streak in the right of the screen, the camera is going back to be replaced bu i havn't sent it yet- i will wait till new year now
the quality of the video is much better at my end and has lost alot to the upload
i know my focusing is off alot but it was my first time on manual and i was just experimenting a bit to be honest
its just ment to be a bit of test footage but i would appreciate any tips advice you can give me
a couple of points
the camera arrived faulty with a blue streak in the right of the screen, the camera is going back to be replaced bu i havn't sent it yet- i will wait till new year now
the quality of the video is much better at my end and has lost alot to the upload
i know my focusing is off alot but it was my first time on manual and i was just experimenting a bit to be honest
its just ment to be a bit of test footage but i would appreciate any tips advice you can give me