View Full Version : short film distribution outlets

Josh Bass
December 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM
Okay, I know there've been a few similar threads, but they tend to be at least a year old.

I have the Ultimate Film Festival Surival Guide (albeit a 2004 edition, don't know if there's been a newer edition since).

So, what I'd like to know is, in our modern world of nearly 2008, what are some viable outlets for short film distribution? I have pieces ranging from 50 seconds (30 plus credits) to my newest whopper which will probably end up under 25, though right now it's 33. So. . .where to submit them? I know money's not really something to consider, so in terms of getting "noticed", or at least getting them in front of people, what are some good places to consider?

We've got Youtube, obviously, which seems to be a place for people to rip you off if they like your idea (search Ninjews and see how many have come up since I put my first short up there three months ago). I know there are some cable channels (IFC), etc. It's just such a big world out there, and I know submitting to certain places can disqualify you from submitting to others.

Keep in mind, this is all low-budget stuff, with decent (not great) production values, all shot on miniDV.

Seun Osewa
December 24th, 2007, 05:00 PM
If distribution is what you want, then youtube is it.
If money is what you want, then, I know only as much as you do. ;)

Josh Bass
December 24th, 2007, 05:27 PM
I actually found a whole list of entities that deal with this.

Seun Osewa
December 24th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Can you tell us about these outlets and your experiences with them? Thanks a million!

Josh Bass
December 24th, 2007, 05:41 PM
I will post a list a little later. No experience with any of them. I need to make sure I'm clear with this one company I dealt with a long time ago, and then I'm going to mail off some of my older shorts (my movies, not my underwear) and see if anyone bites.

Emre Safak
December 24th, 2007, 05:43 PM
We've got Youtube, obviously, which seems to be a place for people to rip you off if they like your idea (search Ninjews and see how many have come up since I put my first short up there three months ago).
What do you mean you got ripped off? Did someone copy a film you were planning to sell? If not, then would it have been any different if the person who "ripped you off" had seen your film at a festival and then imitated it?

Josh Bass
December 24th, 2007, 05:54 PM
I posted my first short "The Ninjews" on there, just to see how many views I could get. Not to long after, there are now three other videos called Ninjews. I'd never seen any before that.

Seun Osewa
December 25th, 2007, 02:41 AM
That simply means you've started a meme. Be proud! Same thing would have happened if those video bloggers saw your ninjews video on TV and thought it was cool.

You just need to retain 'ownership' of the meme by posting sequels to your "Ninjews" video regularly. And now, I must download your video. ;)

Josh Bass
December 25th, 2007, 02:50 AM
I'm working on another episode, though the it'll be anything but regular. I'm going to do the animation myself after a series of fiascos involving trying to get other animators for little to no money. So have to learn to animate, and then actually put this thing together. I probably won't post it on there 'cause of the festival thing, but we'll see. What's "meme"?

Ok, re: distribution outlets, here the list of entities I've come across so far (I'm not listing really obvious ones like Sundance Channel, IFM, HBO, etc). Again, NO EXPERIENCE WITH ANY OF THEM, so can't testify as to legitimacy or anything. I'll start harassing them once I'm sure I'm clear to. (UK based) (this one's a no pay deal--he offers to put your stuff on a DVD that gets mass distribution)

Chibi Films (no link for this one, saw a post about it on another message board) (based out of Canada) (based in Canada)

Also heard there might be something to Itunes for this stuff. Also found a real neat article about this whole mess, but I believe Chris doesn't like links to other people's articles.

Seun Osewa
December 25th, 2007, 02:57 AM
By "meme" I meant a cool new idea or concept that spreads from person to person. The dictionary definition is more interesting: