View Full Version : DVC11 - Family - Dick Mays
Dick Mays December 19th, 2007, 03:22 PM I'll post a feedback thread today as I may not be at my computer tomorrow.
This was thrown together at the last minute to stay off the wall. Didn't even remember to do the "thedvchallenge presents" intro. I taped my kids at the park and took some footage of us decorating the tree, and this was the only video I was able to shoot in the allowed time period. So I played around with this footage in the editor, drew on some memories both good and bad, and dinked a bit on the guitar and midi keyboard.
I thought of doing a voice over, but that distracted from the music so it seemed the subtitles worked better.
It made my ex-wife tear up, so at least I have that satisfaction.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Lorinda Norton December 20th, 2007, 11:19 AM Hi Dick,
From past challenges I know all too well about throwing together something at the last minute—it isn’t all that fun, but I’m glad you made this one. It’s a sad and difficult personal glimpse, but important.
First of all, I just love boys, but the footage of Caroline in that little pink dress helping with the tree is almost too much. She’s a doll. And cute boys on a playground? Yeah. Very nice images of those boys that you can use in other ways. Reminded me of something I might see on a high-end PSA.
Music was perfect for the mood—you did a good job. And the subtitles worked much better than a voice over would have, for me. When there’s no voice people can sometimes hear better…
The dark sees the light....then does it go dark again?
Chris Barcellos December 20th, 2007, 02:24 PM Dick:
Emotional piece to be certain, and with a lot of personal meaning to you.
I knew some life changing events had been occuring with you in recent times, but I had not followed it closely. Your situation is something I see daily, as an attorney, except I rarely see the kids and what is happening with them. Your film emphasizes that whatever is happening, the kids don't stop needing their parents. That's a big light that needs to be shining !
Dick Mays December 20th, 2007, 04:10 PM Hi Dick,
The dark sees the light....then does it go dark again?
In the case of my Dad, yeah, the dark would go dark again shortly after the holidays. I guess when he got the bills. When you have seven kids the bills have to be pretty steep.
Caroline's hair is quite short because she found the sissors that I use to cut my hair. I actually let her cut some of my hair, and made the mistake of putting the sissors away while she was watching. She got them and gave herself a haircut. THe only way to fit it was to cut the rest short as well.
This one was a little personal, but I'll be back to my normal form for DVC12.
Lorinda Norton December 20th, 2007, 04:17 PM Oh, I didn't look closely enough--that cute little boy in the green shirt and pink shoes on the playground is Caroline! :) Having spent nearly all my growing up years with a pixie haircut I guess I should have considered this. Love the haircutting story.
By the way, Dick...Have a wonderful Christmas and '08. You've already made mine just that much better...
Dick Mays December 20th, 2007, 07:30 PM Dick:
Emotional piece to be certain, and with a lot of personal meaning to you.
I knew some life changing events had been occuring with you in recent times, but I had not followed it closely. Your situation is something I see daily, as an attorney, except I rarely see the kids and what is happening with them. Your film emphasizes that whatever is happening, the kids don't stop needing their parents. That's a big light that needs to be shining !
This is my second divorce. At least we were uncontested this time and remain friends. I heard that the people in contested divorces were the only ones less satisfied with their attorney than those conficted of capital offenses!
Thanks for the kind remarks.
Hugh DiMauro December 23rd, 2007, 01:45 AM Dick, this is some heavy stuff. But these challenges aren't just about fun, happy topics, it's about creative expression. If making this movie moves you forward in your growth, then you've done your job. I was moved. Technique, music and pace was excellent.
Dick Mays December 23rd, 2007, 08:14 AM Dick, this is some heavy stuff. But these challenges aren't just about fun, happy topics, it's about creative expression. If making this movie moves you forward in your growth, then you've done your job. I was moved. Technique, music and pace was excellent.
Thanks Hugh. Your remarks are interesting if true, and interesting anyway...