View Full Version : Onlocation .avi in vegas

M. Krishna Babu
December 18th, 2007, 05:43 AM
i have installed adobe OnLocation trial on my laptop to capture 720P footage out of my HVX. On the laptop the footage looks good. when i bring the clip to my desktop and try to edit in Vegas, Vegas 6 doesn't recognize the .avi. When i pull the video on to the timeline only audio is heard. am i missing something ?

should vegas and OnLocation be installed on the same physical system for vegas to recognize .avi's captured using OnLocation ?


Douglas Spotted Eagle
December 19th, 2007, 08:08 AM
They need to be installed on the same system.

Ian Stark
December 19th, 2007, 09:46 AM
Is this an HD only issue or a standard thing with OnLocation?

I used to, as a matter of course, capture SD using DV-Rack on a laptop then transfer those files to the desktop where I would edit them quite happily in Vegas.

I'd be very disappointed to hear that you now need a second copy of OnLocation on the desktop in order to work with the clips you've captured on the laptop. (Assuming, that is, that you are only licenced to install a single copy of OnLocation - I don't know whether that is the case or not).

Douglas Spotted Eagle
December 19th, 2007, 09:48 AM
it's only related to the DVCProHD conversion. If you capture HDV or SD, you can transport those files to any machine.

Ian Stark
December 19th, 2007, 10:00 AM
Thanks Spot.

Just noticed that you can't upgrade individual elements of CS3 so I couldn't have upgraded from DV-Rack anyway. No self-indulgent Christmas present for me then!

Actually, I have been considering treating myself to the VASST colour correction DVD! Do you have a UK reseller or does it all get shipped from the US?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
December 19th, 2007, 10:05 AM
Yeah, that's the one, single shame of Adobe acquiring Serious Magic, it left HDV Rack and Ultra users somewhat stranded unless they want to shell out the $$ for the Suite. It's a nice suite, however.

All the VASST DVDs are shipped from our warehouse in Florida. More than likely, it would arrive in time for the holidays if you ordered it right now. Don't forget your discount, found on the discount pages... :-)

Ian Stark
December 19th, 2007, 10:31 AM
Hmmm, I'm an Ultra user as well (outstanding product - although it's a real shame there isn't a simple 'build-your-own-set' facility - I've seen the stock sets once too often for me to feel comfortable using them without doing some serious editing on the .png's).

As you say, it's a big shame that you can't upgrade CS3 components - it kinda makes a mockery of the 'take as much as you want' strapline.

I have old versions of AE and Photoshop back from the good old days when you didn't have to buy a suite but they don't qualify for any upgrade sadly. I'm trying to get strict on buying new stuff on a whim at the moment - if the business demands it, I'll buy it - if it doesn't do anything materially beneficial for a current or upcoming project then it's on the backburner.

I'll have a word with my Financial Manager about the video (my wife).


Ian . . .

M. Krishna Babu
December 19th, 2007, 10:19 PM
" They need to be installed on the same system "

Thank you spot.