View Full Version : Worst wall of shame excuses...

December 17th, 2007, 12:51 PM

Well, I think I definately must be one of those with most wall of shame points ;) I had a couple of ideas and I have just been right out lazy to complete any of them. And that "I'll do it tomorrow" thinking isn't good for productivity at all... I guess I could've blame the cold and dark weather but then it would have been easy to go out and shoot a short with "no light"... but well, well.. I am aiming to submit an entry next time.. until then, shame on me... :)

Regards, Fredrik.

Lorinda Norton
December 17th, 2007, 01:06 PM
Heh heh…you’re right, Fredrik--that’s pretty lame. Doggone it, I always look forward to your movies. Am I going to have to come over there and make you finish one? ;)

Dylan Couper
December 17th, 2007, 07:58 PM
My bad excuse is that I bought a Canon 1D MkII and spent the last 2 weeks playing with it.

The truth is that I had relatives come to town unexpectedly last week and have been playing host for the last 6 days (they go home tomorrow!)

Philip Gioja
December 17th, 2007, 10:43 PM
Well, I had a lot of good intentions, and we worked out a great script, but I had a big job come up and spent my time on that rather than the contest. Maybe next time.

December 18th, 2007, 10:26 AM
Heh heh…you’re right, Fredrik--that’s pretty lame. Doggone it, I always look forward to your movies. Am I going to have to come over there and make you finish one? ;)
ha ha ha... that might be a sure way to get it done. But I bet that movie would be more in the style of that movie you and Dylan (and others) was in which mainly focused on drinking... :)

But I did the lead role in someone elses short and as soon as it's translated I'll make sure you will be able to see it. It's a bit weird, and it features a doctor this time (me) so I might found my genre in psychological/medical themes... ER/Gray's anatomy need a new star? I am here... ;)

William Gardner
December 18th, 2007, 11:02 AM
A list of my lame excuses:

1. I had around 5 script ideas that I sent out to folks, but there was no consensus about which one was best.

2. I had to shoot and edit a film for my 9 year old son's class project.

3. I also spent my time shooting and editing a Star Wars fan-film with my son and his buddies. This is taking a lot of time and may not be done until Spring, but you can see some still photos of it below.

4. A buddy and his friends got an idea for this DVC and ran with it. I was intending to help crew their shoot, but when I got there they had plenty of crew and I wasn't necessary. However, the fine MikeT dolly that I won back in DVC5 was used by their team, so all dolly shots you see in "Flambeau" are done with the MikeT dolly.

5. Too darn lazy.... Must be getting old. :(


Lorinda Norton
December 18th, 2007, 12:47 PM
Well, I have to admit those are all pretty decent excuses... ;)

Bill, those are neat pics--your kids must love it that their dad is such a great producer! Good for you.

And Fredrik, I'll be waiting for the link to your movie. A movie you're in is a bit weird? You?? (lol) That'll be great!

Robert Martens
December 18th, 2007, 05:15 PM
You want excuses? Here you go. Between living seventy miles away from my current daily workplace, and me taking forever to get ready in the morning, I've been waking up at three AM for the past two or three months. We do get home rather early as a result, but I'm too tired to do much, and it gets dark by four thirty or five o'clock this time of year. Obviously I could have done something about lights in the dark, but I lacked the proper motivation to get my rear in gear after the day's work.

To the point, "work" has recently been replacing roof drains at Park Avenue Plaza on fifty-second street in New York, and in keeping with the theme, I grabbed a few shots this morning. These are my two favorites.

Kindly keep your 'CCD + sun = bad things' comments to yourself, smartypants (smartypantses?). I live dangerously, sue me. Made a freaky purple cloud in the second shot, in any event, looking toward the southern tip of Roosevelt Island. I think it's pretty. They're more impressive full sized, but you get the idea.

Jonathan Jones
December 19th, 2007, 12:10 PM
Heh Am I going to have to come over there and make you finish one? ;)


I thought Fredrik was Swedish.

( sorry, I just had )


Lorinda Norton
December 20th, 2007, 12:43 AM
LOL! You should apologize, Jon…that was a groaner! :) By the way, you sure were missed this time around.

As were you, Robert. Thanks for the evidence/pictures; my favorite is the one on the left. Cool composition, cool sunlight…

Mugurel Dragusin
December 20th, 2007, 11:37 AM
The Commander gives me headaches, couldn't move a video file :P heh

Philip Gioja
December 20th, 2007, 10:25 PM
Just wanted to back up my poor lame excuse a little with some production photos from my recent job with Danfoss:

Andrew Hood
December 22nd, 2007, 07:49 PM
My excuse is: procrastination, followed by moving house, and then just being lazy/tired. I've had a few DVCs come up right when there's a theatre show on, or in this case moving house. And I just need that bit more motivation to actually do something. Need to do the next one. Wait said that the last few times and nothing. Will do the next one - no excuses. I'll do it by myself if i have to.

Lorinda Norton
December 23rd, 2007, 11:58 AM
Philip, normally I think "industrial" video is pretty dry, but that one actually looks interesting! I bet you got some cool shots from your A-1's ride on the conveyor belt--unless it was jumpy.

We haven't seen one of your movies in a long, long time--I think I still remember a shot outside a silo or something? Hope you'll be able to submit one in the next challenge.

As for you, Andrew, I can only watch "Brand New Day" so many times, so I'm looking forward to another one. ;) Your movies are always diverse; it's fun wondering what you might come up with next.

Philip Gioja
December 24th, 2007, 10:17 AM
Thanks Lorinda. I actually did shoot a couple scenes this time, but the weather and schedules just didn't work out. I still plan to finish it once Christmas is over, since we started on it already.

Joseph Tran
March 10th, 2008, 02:44 AM
I'll tell you about how I procrastinated a little later.

Kevin Randolph
March 10th, 2008, 03:57 PM
I had planned to shoot on Friday and edit together on Saturday and Sunday. But, I my gear at the office Thursday and somebody decided I need to have 18-24 inches of snow dumped on me all day Friday. No driving to the office to get my gear, no shooting, no flick...

I think I might have to start watching the weather...


Stephen van Vuuren
March 10th, 2008, 04:03 PM
My entry is still rendering...We shot on Friday but I forgot how long this one particular effect takes to render.

It won't be finished for a week or so...

Lorinda Norton
March 10th, 2008, 04:18 PM
My entry is still rendering...We shot on Friday but I forgot how long this one particular effect takes to render.

It won't be finished for a week or so...
Okay, Stephen, I have GOT to see what takes a week to render, so please post it here when you're done? :)