View Full Version : DVC 11 - The Nutcracker - Josh Chesarek

Josh Chesarek
December 17th, 2007, 09:00 AM
Another challenge done :)

This time we had two firneds visiting who were willing to be on camera. I tried using my Glidecam 2000 a bit more in this one which was fun. Over all it was a good learning experience and we had a lot of fun :)

Lorinda Norton
December 19th, 2007, 01:17 PM
Ooooh! Just like her, I wanted to throttle that guy! lol

OK, so the suspense didn’t get resolved quite the way I’d hoped (not sure what I was hoping for), but that was pretty funny, Josh. I laughed out loud when the tree screeched and the gal jumped. :)

Dick Mays
December 19th, 2007, 02:56 PM
if Lorinda thinks like I do, then we were both expecting her to take a Nutcracker doll and do some serious damage to the slug sitting on the couch. Or at least kick him in the nuts or something. Stick him with the pin maybe. Really get into the spirit of Christmas.

Nicely framed and shot. Like to see a little more with the story.

Lorinda Norton
December 19th, 2007, 02:59 PM
if Lorinda thinks like I do, then we were both expecting her to take a Nutcracker doll and do some serious damage to the slug sitting on the couch.
LOL! That's it!!!! :)

Josh Chesarek
December 19th, 2007, 03:09 PM
We had thought about that but figured the violence would be against christmas, in hind sight, I see would probably should have. Thanks for the feed back.

Kris Holodak
December 19th, 2007, 03:21 PM
Your Glidecam shots were really nicely done. And I liked the composition, particularly when she was going back to get things from the closet. And of course I loved the dog, but then I would.

There were a couple of things I might have approached differently. A light on the tree - if you had something available - would have helped bring out some depth and detail to it. And you probably could have achieved the joke while still cutting it shorter. Since there wasn't a lot to the story you probably didn't need to use the full 5 minutes.

But the joke was a good one and it made me laugh. Thanks for that.


Josh Chesarek
December 19th, 2007, 03:24 PM
Your Glidecam shots were really nicely done. And I liked the composition, particularly when she was going back to get things from the closet. And of course I loved the dog, but then I would.

There were a couple of things I might have approached differently. A light on the tree - if you had something available - would have helped bring out some depth and detail to it. And you probably could have achieved the joke while still cutting it shorter. Since there wasn't a lot to the story you probably didn't need to use the full 5 minutes.

But the joke was a good one and it made me laugh. Thanks for that.


Thanks, I am actually hoping to have a light under the tree to use this christmas which I could then take out and aim at things including the tree. This is also the first time I have every tried the editing where you leave the camera still and just clip things so the person jumps around. The biggest part of this is leaving the camera stationary, other wise it looks like mistakes which I have a few in there. I do like the style though.

Chris Barcellos
December 19th, 2007, 07:46 PM
Josh. Sorry, my original comment on this one got confused with the other film released, this is edited version of my first post, made by mistake.

Okay, I did a film like this last year that I sent out as a Christmas card. What worked good with it was speeding up us putting up decorations. That implied a lot of work was being done in a shorter time, and made it more interesting and fun for the viewer. I think that may have worked here too, as I felt this dragged a bit. That, and it sure made us men look bad.... :)

Hugh DiMauro
December 23rd, 2007, 01:38 AM
I had some serious flashbacks... The whole bit about getting the box from the attic and and setting it up was just too much! But the fact that I had reacted in that way is a testament to your wonderful narrative style. Editing and closeup usage was good. Nice work. How many of us can relate to the lights not working because of some crappy bulb!